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Norway to Russia around the Arctic   early afternoon we will depart for Alta, on   our stay in this city, we will enjoy a
          Circle. We will learn about their customs,   the shores of the fjord of the same name.   spectacular safari .... Early in the morning
          their reindeer farms and see a live   In summer we will enjoy a motorboat ride   we will go to sea with a modern and
          presentation of their traditional way of life.   on the Alta fjord. Spectacular scenery   comfortable boat to try to see the queens
          Rest of the day at leisure and    awaits us while admiring the local wildlife,   of the oceans, such as the humpback
          accommodation (in cabins or hotel).   with eagles and seals, among others.   whales or orcas. The excursion lasts
                                            In winter we will enjoy a sleigh ride pulled   approx. 5-6 hours. Snacks and hot drinks
          DAY 6 KARASJOK - STABBURSDALEN    by Norwegian fjord horses, a special   will be served on board.
          - HONNINGSVAG                     breed of the area, being their calmness   NOTE: as this is a natural phenomenon,
          After breakfast we will drive to   and strength the main characteristics.   the sighting of the animals is not
          Stabbursdalen National Park, whose   From the farm where the horses are bred,   guaranteed.
          main attraction is the northernmost pine   we will start the sleigh ride through the   In summer, a luxury catamaran will take
          forest in the world. Its almost 750 km²   forests and following the Alta River, until   us along the coast of Tromso, admiring
          of reserve offers a landscape of arid   we arrive at a cabin, where we will be   the scenery of cliffs, fjords and islands.
          mountains, open plateaus and narrow   welcomed with a typical dinner of the   On board the catamaran we will taste a
          ravines, crossed by the Stabburselva   area. During dinner we will be regaled   typical local fisherman’s soup, as well as
          River, which forms waterfalls and ponds   with legends and stories of the north.   snacks and chocolate.
          of icy waters.                    Return to Alta after dinner.       To bid farewell to this spectacular trip, we
          We will be able to admire this park   Overnight in hotel or cabins. For the more   will enjoy a typical Arctic dinner, such as
          with a trekking route that will take us   adventurous and daring we propose a   fish soup with lobster or reindeer meat.
          to visit a small part of it. Continuation   night in an igloo! (Overnight in hotel - igloo   Overnight.
          of the journey to Honningsvag, the   is possible from mid-December to early
          northernmost populated town in    April).                            DAY 10 TROMSO
          Europe, located in the North Cape.                                   Breakfast at the hotel and transfer to the
          (accommodation in hotel or cabins)   DAY 8 ALTA - TROMSO             airport at the indicated time.
          In the evening we will enjoy a natural   Today we have a long drive, approx. 6
          spectacle such as the midnight sun (in   hours along the Norwegian coast with   EXTRA:
          summer) or the aurora borealis (in winter).  its impressive fjords and cliffs to reach   If you want more Nordic experiences,
          NOTE: as this is a natural phenomenon,   Tromso, the largest city in the north of the   how about an extension to the Svalbard
          the sighting of the auroras is not   country.                        Islands archipelago? The island of
          guaranteed.                       Upon arrival, a guided walking tour of   Spitsbergen and its city Longyearbyen,
          In summer we will leave Honningsvag   the city center will allow us to see its   named after the American industrialist
          heading north towards the North Cape,   main attractions, such as the “Skansen”,   John Munro Longyear, who came to
          where we will visit a Sami family with   a fortification of medieval origin; the   the island in the early twentieth century
          their reindeer farm; we will see historical   Perspective Museum, whose building is   to start the mining activity that would
          exhibitions and we can walk along the   one of the few examples of imperialist   revolutionize the life and economy of the
          cliffs where day and night come together.   style in the north of the country; the old   place.
          In winter we will enjoy a quad safari in   town hall and the Arctic Cathedral.   In winter season it is one of the favorite
          pursuit of the Northern Lights. Learn how   In the evening, we recommend spending   destinations to observe the northern
          to drive the quad vehicles while following   the evening in one of the bars of the   lights, while summer invites to water
          the trail of colors in the sky!   town, where there are usually musical   activities such as kayaking, boat cruises
                                            performances. Overnight in hotel.   to admire the glaciers and... Why not?
          DAY 7 HONNINGSVAG - ALTA                                             Explore them from the inside!
          In the morning free time to rest from the   DAY 9 TROMSO
          excitement of the previous night. In the   In winter (November to February), during   Ask us for more adventure!

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