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& Conditions
VAS DMC EUROPE, a legal entity, registered in Vienna, Austria, 5.3. The client or agency is obliged to find out if minors can
offers tourism services all year round and operates with highly participate in a tour. Minors traveling alone must present a power
qualified personnel with long experience in tourism. of attorney from both parents.
VAS DMC offers accommodation in more than 200,000 hotels 5.4. The client or agency is obliged to comply with all necessary
worldwide and all kinds of tourism services in Europe. requirements for entry into the countries to be visited. It is the sole
responsibility of each traveler to have his/her travel documents
VAS DMC offers its services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The (passports, valid visas) in order.
offices are open from Monday to Friday, from 09:00 to 17:00.
3. OBLIGATIONS OF VAS DMC 6.1. The client has the right to benefit from the offer made by the
3.1. VAS DMC staff is available to explain all offers for which the agency, according to the data provided by the staff.
client has expressed interest.
6.2. The client has the right to request all the information of the
3.2. VAS DMC staff is available to explain the procedure to be tour. This must be done during the opening hours of the agency
followed for the tour to be carried out, according to the client’s and in accordance with the terms set out in this agreement.
request. One of the procedures is also the preparation of the
documents that the foreign agency must submit to the client. 6.3. The client has the right to request a refund in case of
cancellation of the tour, change of hotel or transportation or in
3.3. VAS DMC is not responsible for the condition of the hotel case of breach of the agreement by the agency without just
rooms, if they are not in the condition in which they appear on the cause.
official website of the hotel or for the actions and behavior of the
hotel staff at the destination chosen by the client. 7. PAYMENTS
7.1. The deadline for full payment of a reservation is up to 14 days
VAS DMC is not responsible for the cancellation of a trip in case before the date established for the tour service. Prepayments and
of force majeure, natural causes, popular protest or declaration deposits will be fixed with each reservation.
of war in the destination chosen by the client or for any accident
occurring as a result of these causes. A solution will be reached 7.2. By bank transfer. Bank account details will be provided in the
by agreement between VAS DMC, the agency and the client. reservation confirmation.
3.5. VAS DMC is not responsible for damage or loss of luggage or 7.3. By Visa or MasterCard credit card, accompanied by an
personal items on the plane, airport, port, ship or hotel. authorization form and the necessary card details, including the
three-digit code.
4. RIGHTS OF VAS DMC From 1000.- euros card payments are subject to a surcharge of
4.1. VAS DMC reserves the right to request all documents 1.6 - 1.8%.
necessary for the realization and booking of the tour.
4.2. VAS DMC reserves the right to receive, in the manner set 10.1. VAS DMC informs that the website is
forth in this agreement, all payments from the agency/client. its property.
4.3. VAS DMC reserves the right to cancel a reservation if the 10.2. VAS DMC emphasizes that the information on
agency/client does not settle all payments as established in this accommodation and means of transport is the property of
agreement. the official websites of these accommodations and means of
5. OBLIGATIONS OF THE CLIENT/FOREIGN AGENCY The information on the official website is updated frequently. VAS
5.1. The client/agency is obliged to settle all payments. DMC is not responsible if the information on the official website of
the accommodation or means of transport is not correct.
5.2. The client must be present at the departure on the scheduled
time and day.