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          (Milan - Verona - Venice - Vienna)

          DAY 1 – MILAN                     DAY 3 – MILAN – BRESCIA – VERONA   Brixia and the Roman theater; the Piazza
          Arrival and transfer to the hotel.  – VICENZA – MESTRE ( Venice )    della Loggia with the Old Cathedral and
                                            Breakfast buffet and departure to Mestre  New Cathedral.
          DAY 2 – MILAN                     on a journey which will discover us some  We follow to Sirmione, on the shores
          Breakfast buffet and city tour of the  jewels as Brescia, with its old town as a  of Garda Lake, enjoy the breathtaking
          second most popular city after room.  rectangular plan with streets intersecting  views from its old town located on the
          Astonish in front of the Duomo, its  at right angles, a heritance from Roman  Sirmio peninsula, with main sights as
          cathedral which took 6 centuries to be  times. Various monuments ranging  the Scaligero Castle, Sant Anna della
          complete; the Vittorio-Emanuele   from ancient age to contemporary can  Rocca Church or the Santa Maria
          Galleries, the Sforzesco Castle, the Della   be seen: the Monastic complex of San  Maggiore Church until we get in Verona.
          Scala Theater where the main operas are  Salvatore – Santa Giulia; the monumental  Visit the balcony where Juliet waited
          played.                           area of the Roman Forum with the   for Romeo, as per the famous book of
          Afternoon free.                   republican sanctuary, the capitolium of  William Shakespeare, and go back to
                                                                               ancient Roman times with a visit to the
                                                                               amphitheater, heart of the old town.
                                                         Vienna                Our last stop before reaching Venice
                                                                               will be in Vicenza, also included in the
                                     AUSTRIA                                   UNESCO World Heritage list, the city
                                                                               offers up to 23 buildings designed by
                                                                               Palladio, once the most renowned
                          Brescia Vicenza                                      architect for palaces.
                     Milan                                                     Arrival in Mestre and accommodation.
                         Sirmone  Verona  Mestre (Venice)
                                                                               DAY 4 – MESTRE – VENICE – MESTRE
                                                                               Breakfast buffet and transfer to Venice
                                                                               to enjoy a city tour starting at St Marc
                                                                               Square, St Marc Basilica, its narrow
                                                                               streets and canals.
                                   ITALY                                       Rest of the day free at leisure in Venice
                                                                               before returning back to Mestre.

                                                                               DAY 5 – MESTRE – VIENNA
                                                                               Breakfast buffet and transfer to Vienna, in
                                                                               Austria. Arrival and accommodation.
                                                                               DAY 6 – VIENNA
                                                                               Breakfast buffet at the hotel and
                                                                               panoramic tour in the city, that begins
                                                                               with a drive along the Ringstrasse,
                                                                               Vienna’s main boulevard, passing the
                                                                               Hofburg Palace, the Opera House, the
                                                                               monument of Empress Maria Theresia
                                                                               located between the twin museums –

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