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pastry shop, former imperial supplier  DAY 8 – BRNO                  alchemists used to live while searching
          established in 1832, and the small  Breakfast buffet and city tour through the  for the philosopher’s stone.
          Lehártheater built in 1827.       2nd largest city in the country.   Follow the path down to the district of
          We finish the excursion in St Wolfgang.  Its old town includes gems such as  Mala Strana, the little Prague, and enjoy
          St Wolfgang erected the first church at  the Spilberk Castle – fortress and the  its narrow and beautiful streets which
          the shore of the lake after he withdrew to  Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul,  lead you to the Charles Bridge, one of
          the nearby Mondsee Abbey in 976.  located on Petrov Hill.            the city’s landmarks.
          Have a walk through this picturesque  The well preserved Veveri Castle, the  This bridge brings you to the old town,
          town.                             functionalist Villa Tugendhat ( included  where you will visit the Astronomical
          Possibility to have a boat ride   in the UNESCO World Heritage list ) and  Clock, the Jewish Quartier, Wenceslas
          which will bring you to ST. Gilgen, on the  the nearby located Moravian Karst are  Square, among other sightseeing.
          opposite shore of the lake.       among the most important sightseeing of  Afternoon free at leisure.
          Return to Salzburg and accommodation.  the city.                     Accommodation in Prague
                                            Afternoon free at leisure.
          DAY 7 – SALZBURG – CESKY          Accommodation.                     DAY 11 – PRAGUE – KARLOVY VARY
          KRUMLOV – CESKY BUDEJOVICE                                           – PRAGUE
          – BRNO                            DAY 9 – BRNO – KUTNA HORA          Full day excursion to Karlovy Vary:
          After breakfast, and departure to Cesky  – PRAGUE                    discover the former thermal bath resort
          Krumlov, located in the South Bohemian  After breakfast, departure to Kutna Hora,  of the European aristocracy in the 19th
          region of Czech Republic. Its historic  medieval city seat of King Wenceslas II  century.
          center, around the Cesky Krumlov  royal court. Its silver mines made this city  Founded on 1370 by the King Charles
          Castle, is a designated UNESCO World  the most important one in the country  IV ( who gives name to the city ), Karlovy
          Heritage site since 1992 and was given  from 13th to 16th centuries, being a  Vary is the site of numerous hot springs,
          this status along with the historic Prague  strong rival to Prague.  about 13 main springs along more than
          castle district.                  On year 1996 the city became part of  300 smaller springs as well as the
          Most of the architecture of the old town  UNESCO World Heritage list due to its  warmwater Tepla River. Enjoy a stroll
          and castle dates from the 14th to 17th  famous ossuary.              through the old town while you make a
          centuries, showing structures mostly in  Other main sightseeing are the churches  try of its mineral water springs.
          gothic, renaissance and baroque styles.  in gothic style as St Barbara, St James  Return to Prague and accommodation.
          The core of the old town is within a  and the Cathedral of our Lady; and the
          horseshoe bend of the river, with the old  Italian Court, former royal residence.  Day 12 – PRAGUE
          Latran neighborhood and castle, located  Free time to enjoy the city on your own  Breakfast buffet and free day at leisure.
          on the other side of the river Vltava.  and continue to Prague.
          Continue to Cesky Budejovice,     Arrival and accommodation.         DAY 13 – PRAGUE
          hometown of the popular beer                                         Breakfast buffet and transfer to airport.
          Budweiser.                        DAY 10 – PRAGUE
          Short time to have a walk around the  Breakfast buffet at the hotel and
          most beautiful square in the country, built  panoramic city tour. Discover the castle
          in baroque style.                 district with main sightseeing as the
          Continue to Brno, arrival and     Cathedral of St Vitus, the old royal
          accommodation.                    palace or the Golden Lane, where the

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