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DAY 5 SALZBURG                    on the culinary traditions of the 18th  DAY 7 INNSBRUCK
          In the morning we will drive to the village  century accompanied by Mozart’s most  A walking tour of the city center, whose
          of Oberndorf bei Salzburg, 20 minutes  outstanding pieces will put the finishing  streets are a cross between the Middle
          north of the city. This small town saw  touch to our stay in Salzburg.  Ages and the 21st century. The Maria-
          the birth of the famous Christmas carol                              Theresia Avenue with its Triumphal Arch
          “Silent Night” in 1818, which was first  DAY 6 SALZBURG – PALACE OF  and St. Anne’s Column lead us to the
          performed on Christmas Eve of that year  HERRENINSEL – INNSBRUCK     symbol of the city, the Golden Roof, the
          and was declared a UNESCO World   Departure in the morning to the German  Imperial Church and the Imperial Palace.
          Heritage Site in 2011.            town of Prien am Chiemsee. Located  Afterwards, we will test our dancing skills
          It was composed by organist Franz Xaver  on the shores of Lake Chiemsee, in the  with a workshop of folk dances such as
          Gruber and priest Joseph Mohr and has  center stands the island of Herreninsel,  the “Schuhplattler”, the Tyrolean figure
          been continuously versioned throughout  where King Ludwig II of Bavaria had his  dance or the woodcutter’s dance.
          history. It currently has more than 140  third and lesser known palace built.  In the evening, we will enjoy a Tyrolean
          translations and has been a symbol of  It was intended to be a smaller scale  dinner with the Gundolf Family
          peace since both sides in World War I  copy of the Palace of Versailles, which  accompanied by a dance and music
          sang it in German, French and English at  remained half-built after the king’s  show, during which we will invite you to
          the same time.                    untimely death. Only 7 rooms, along  demonstrate your skills.
          We will see the church where it was  with the kitchen and the main staircase
          composed and visit the museum     were completed. Lunch at a lakeside  DAY 8 INNSBRUCK
          dedicated to this composition.    restaurant, e.g. “Luitpold am See” or  Breakfast at the hotel and transfer to the
          Return to Salzburg and free afternoon.  “Zum Fischer am See”, with typical fish  airport at the indicated time.
          In the evening, dinner with concert at  menu.
          the oldest restaurant in town, Stift Skt  Continuation of the journey to Innsbruck.  NOTE: For departures from Munich
          Peterkeller. A 3-course menu based  Arrival and overnight stay.      airport, please consult prices.

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