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          Discover Vienna on ¾ Takt

          DAY 1 VIENNA                      We will end the visit on a panoramic bus  ball season (January - February).
          Arrival in Vienna and meeting with the  tour around the Ringstrasse, Vienna’s  In the evening, we will attend a concert
          guide. Transfer to the hotel and check in.  main boulevard, passing the State Opera  with the most famous musical pieces
          In the evening, we will enjoy a welcome  House, the Hofburg, the twin museums of  of Mozart and Strauss, two of the most
          dinner at a local restaurant in the city,  Fine Arts and History of Natural Sciences,  famous residents of the city.
          “Durchhaus” or “Huth”, where we will  the Parliament and City Hall, the Votive  NOTE: during the dancing season, the
          enjoy a typical Viennese menu.    Church and St. Charles Church. Free  concert will be replaced by attending
                                            afternoon.                         one of the dances.
          Today’s tour takes us to discover the city  DAY 3 WALTZER & QUADRILLES  DAY 4 THE BLUE DANUBE WALTZ
          of Vienna in the footsteps of the Strauss  After breakfast we will continue our  Today’s visit takes us to see the
          family, the great composers of the waltz.  discovering tour into the world of the  protagonist landscape of the most
          We will start our tour with a visit to the  Viennese activity par excellence - the  famous
          family apartment of Johann Strauss, the  waltz. In one of the many dance schools  waltz, “The Blue Danube”, composed
          waltz king, where we will be able to see  in the city we will take a waltz course and  in autumn/winter 1866-1867 by Johann
          several of his personal utensils and sheet  learn about the history of this dance, from  Strauss Jr. at the request of the Viennese
          music. Then we will go to the Stadtpark,  its peasant origins in the Tyrol and Bavaria  Association of Male Choirs, who asked
          where stands the statue dedicated to  to the aristocratic dance we know today.  him to write a waltz for the choir. It was
          Johann Strauss, and the Musikverein  Afterwards we will enjoy a short break in a  premiered on February 13, 1867, to
          building, where the New Year’s Concert is  coffee shop, with coffee and the famous  lukewarm applause. It was its
          broadcast.                        Sacher cake, and then we will go to the  performance at the Paris Universal
          We continue our visit at the Strauss  Opera House to visit the stage of the ball  Exposition in the same year that brought
          Museum, where we will learn all about  of balls - The Opera Ball, in which the  it the success and popularity it enjoys
          the life of this family and the history of the  debutantes are presented every year in   today.
          waltz in its historical context.  the society and marks the climax of the   Our excursion will take us to the Danube
                                                                               Valley, stopping at Dürnstein, where we
                                                                               will embark on a boat ride on the river to
                                                                               Melk to visit the imposing baroque abbey,
                                                                               which dominates the valley and the view
                                                                               over the river from the top of the hill.
                                                                               Return to Vienna and rest of the day at
                                                              Vienna           leisure.
                                                                               DAY 5 THE EMPEROR WALTZ
                                                                               Composed in 1889 by Johann Strauss
                                                                               Jr., it refers to the alliance between the
                                                AUSTRIA                        German Empire under Emperor Wilhelm
                                                                               II and the Austro-Hungarian Empire
                                                                               under Emperor Franz Joseph I. Within
                                                                               the framework of this waltz we will
                                                                               visit the most outstanding palaces of
                                                                               Vienna - Hofburg, winter residence and
                                                                               Schönbrunn, summer palace.
                                                                               Afternoon at leisure.

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