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          (Vienna - danube Valley - Salzburg - Tirol)

          DAY 1 VIENNA                      to St. Stephen’s Cathedral, Mozart’s   Free afternoon. We suggest a private
          Arrival at Vienna airport and transfer   residence and the old Jewish quarter. We   visit to one of the best art collections
          to the 5 star hotel of your choice (Park   will finish the visit in a typical Viennese   in the city. Discover some of the most
          Hyatt, Ritz-Carlton, Palais Hansen   coffee shop enjoying a coffee and the   interesting early 20th century works
          Kempinski, among others). In the   famous Sacher Cake.               by artists such as Monet, Kandinsky,
          evening, welcome dinner in a typical wine   In the afternoon, private tour of   Mattisse or Picasso at the Albertina
          tavern, with private transfers.   Schoenbrunn Palace, the summer     Museum or the best collection of early
                                            residence of the imperial family. This visit   20th century Austrian art with works by
          DAY 2 VIENNA                      takes place exclusively outside opening   Egon Schiele, Oskar Kokoschka and
          In the morning we will discover the city   hours. Return to the center. Free evening.   Gustav Klimt at the Leopold Museum.
          on a panoramic tour aboard a vintage                                 Free evening and overnight.
          streetcar around the Ringstrasse,   DAY 3 VIENNA
          Vienna’s main boulevard, passing   Today we will discover a different Vienna,   DAY 4 VIENNA - DANUBE VALLEY
          the Hofburg Palace, the State Opera   on a tour that will take us over the main   - SALZBURG
          House, the twin museums of Fine Arts   rooftops of the city, such as the Vienna   Departure to Dürnstein, located on
          and History of Natural Sciences, the   Cathedral and the Natural History   the banks of the Danube River and
          Parliament and City Hall, the Votive   Museum, from which we can admire   surrounded by vineyards and historical
          Church, St. Charles Church, the   the beauty of the historic center with   cultural monuments. We will visit some
          Musikverein where the New Year’s   its historic buildings and spectacular   wine cellars and enjoy a wine tasting
          Concert is broadcast and the monument   gardens; and through the back door of   with snacks before embarking on a boat
          to Johann Strauss, father of the waltz.   emblematic buildings such as the Opera   trip on the Danube River (from April to
          Then we will take a guided walk through   House or the Imperial Theater, which will   October). We will arrive in Melk, where
          the historic center, which will take us   reveal secrets offstage.   we will visit the impressive Benedictine
                                                                               Abbey, Austria’s finest example of
                                                                               Baroque architecture.
                                                                               Continuation of the trip to Salzburg.
                                                                               Arrival and accommodation at the 5 star
                                                                               hotel Sacher or Mönschtein or similar, or
                                                                               in the lake area, Sheraton Fuschl hotel or
                                                      Danube’s Valley          similar.
                                                                               DAY 5 SALZBURG
                                                                  Vienna       Breakfast buffet at the hotel and
                                                                               departure to discover Mozart’s
                                           Salzburg                            hometown, passing by the Mirabell
                                                                               Palace, the Mozarteum (University of
                            Tyrol                   AUSTRIA                    Music), the Marionette Theater, Mozart’s
                                                                               residence, the Holy Trinity Church, the
                                                                               Nonnberg Abbey, the Music Festival
                                                                               Theaters, the Getreidegasse and the
                                                                               Mozart Square.
                                                                               In the afternoon, private visit to the
                                                                               gardens of Hellbrunn Palace, where we
                                                                               can enjoy the Water Games devised by

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