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Archbishop Markus Sittikus in the 17th   DAY 7 SALZBURG - TYROL      DAY 8 TYROL
          century.                          Departure after breakfast to Innsbruck,   We will start the day with a private
          In the evening we will enjoy a concert with   capital of the Tyrolean region. Upon   flight (by light aircraft, helicopter or hot
          the best pieces of Mozart.        arrival, we will take a guided walk through   air balloon) over the highest peaks of
                                            the historic center. The Middle Ages   the Tyrolean Alps, lined with lakes and
          DAY 6 SALZBURG - LAKES and        merge into the 21st century through   glaciers. We will then move from the air
          MOUNTAINS - SALZBURG              charming alleys, the Maria-Theresia   to the water, sailing on the largest lake in
          In the morning we will go to Mattsee to   promenade crowned by its Triumphal   the region, the Achensee, aboard a yacht
          visit the Ferdinand Porsche Museum,   Arch and the Golden Roof, the Imperial   while relaxing with a picnic on board.
          dedicated to the great car builder,    Church and Palace. We will continue our   On request, activities such as scuba diving,
          a native of this small town on the shores   tour to the Bergisel, the Olympic diving   surfing, canoeing and kayaking, rafting, etc.
          of Lake Matt.  In this museum a chauffeur-  platform, where the best views of the city   can also be arranged. ( in this case location
          driven vintage car awaits us for a tour   and the surrounding mountains await us.   can change, such as rivers and other lakes)
          around the lake and the surrounding   In the afternoon, continuation of the   Return to the hotel and rest of the day at
          mountains. We will enjoy spectacular   journey to the 5-star hotel, located on the   leisure.
          views from an out-of-class vehicle.    outskirts of the city, such as Interalpen
          A picnic in the countryside will round off   Tyrol in Telfs-Buchen or Astoria in Seefeld   DAY 9 TYROL
          the tour!                         or similar. Other possible accommodation   Breakfast at the hotel and at the agreed
          Return to Salzburg. Rest of the day at   areas include Kitzbühel, Jochberg or   time, transfer to Innsbruck or Munich
          leisure.                          Neustift im Stubaital, among others.   airport.

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