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Imperial Palace bring history to life.  Our first stop will be Hallstatt. The  DAY 11 – VIENNA
          After the tour, we will continue the tour to  picturesque village on the lake with the  Breakfast buffet at the hotel and
          Salzburg. On the way, visit of the Palace  same name owes its existence to the  panoramic tour in the city, that begins
          of Herreninsel, the 3rd and last palace  rich salt deposit of salt in the mountain of  with a drive along the Ringstrasse,
          constructed by the “Mad King” Ludwig II  Hallstatt.                  Vienna’s main boulevard, passing the
          of Bavaria, which remained unfinished.  After its visit we head to St Wolfgang.  Hofburg Palace, the Opera House, the
          Transfer to Salzburg, arrival and  Saint Wolfgang erected the first church  monument of Empress Maria Theresia
          accommodation.                    at the shore of the Wolfgangsee after he  located between the twin museums –
                                            withdrew to the nearby Mondsee Abbey  Fine Art History Museum and Nature
          DAY 9 – SALZBURG                  in 976. According to legend he threw  History Museum, Parliament, City
          Breakfast buffet at the hotel and  an axe down the mountain to find the  Hall, Votiv Church, St Charles Church,
          panoramic city tour to discover Mozart’s  site and even persuaded the Devil to  Musikverein which houses the Vienna
          hometown, passing by Mirabell Palace,  contribute to the building by promising  Philharmonic Orchestra and the
          Mozarteum ( the music university ),  him the soul of the first living being ever  monument of Johann Strauss, father
          Marionette Theater, Mozart’s Residence,  to enter the church.        of the Waltz. Visit of the Gardens of
          Trinity Church, Hellbrunn Palace,  However Satan was disappointed as the  Belvedere Palace.
          Nonnberg Abbey, Festival Halls, Horse  first creature over the doorstep was a  Afternoon free at leisure.
          Bath, Getreidegasse and Mozart Square.  wolf.
          Afternoon free at leisure.        Have a walk through this picturesque  DAY 12 – VIENNA
                                            town. Possibility to have a boat ride  Breakfast buffet and transfer to Vienna
          DAY 10 – SALZBURG – LAKES AND     which will bring you to ST. Gilgen, on the  Int. Airport.
          MOUNTAIN AREA – VIENNA            opposite shore of the lake.        End of the tour
          Breakfast buffet at the hotel and transfer  Pick up in St Gilgen and continue
          to the Lakes and Mountain area, known  of the tour to Vienna. Arrival and
          as Salzkammergut.                 accommodation.

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