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Charles IV ( who gives name to the city ),  of the Waltz. Visit of the Gardens of  with the mighty Dachstein glacier.
          Karlovy Vary is the site of numerous hot  Belvedere Palace. Continue to Palace of  Afterwards we go ahead to St Wolfgang.
          springs, about 13 main springs along  Schönbrunn and guided visit inside.  St Wolfgang erected the first church at
          more than 300 smaller springs as well as  Afternoon free at leisure.  the shore of the lake after he withdrew to
          the warm-water Tepla River.                                          the nearby Mondsee Abbey in 976.
          Enjoy a stroll through the old town while   DAY 10 – VIENNA – DANUBE’S  Have a walk through this picturesque
          you make a try of its mineral water   VALLEY – SALZBURG              town and enjoy a boat ride to St. Gilgen,
          springs.                          Breakfast buffet at the hotel and  on the opposite shore of the lake.
                                            departure to Dürnstein, located on the  On the way back to Salzburg, stop in
          DAY 8 – PRAGUE – CESKY KRUMLOV    banks of the Danube River, surrounded  Mondsee. Accommodation.
          – VIENNA                          by historical vineyards and historical
          After breakfast, and departure to Cesky  cultural monuments.         DAY 12 – SALZBURG –
          Krumlov, located in the South Bohemian  Free time to walk around the cozy old  BERCHTESGADEN – ZELL AM SEE
          region of Czech Republic. Its historic  town and boarding on a boat ride on the  Breakfast buffet at the hotel.
          center, around the Cesky Krumlov Castle,  river.                     Departure to Berchtesgaden, in the
          is a designated UNESCO World Heritage  The boat ride will take you to Melk,  German region of Bavaria. Free time to
          site since 1992 and was given this status  where you will have the opportunity to  discover the old town, with interesting
          along with the historic Prague castle  visit the Benedictine abbey, a gem of the  sights such as the historic Rococo town
          district.                         Austrian baroque architecture.     centere with its town houses, monastery
          Most of the architecture of the old town  Continue of the trip to Salzburg, arrival  church and royal palace. Stroll around
          and castle dates from the 14th to 17th  and accommodation.           leisurely, visit one of the cozy cafés and
          centuries, showing structures mostly in                              have fun browsing through the charming
          gothic, renaissance and baroque styles.  DAY 11 – SALZBURG           shops.
          The core of the old town is within a  Breakfast buffet at the hotel and  Continue to Zell am See.
          horseshoe bend of the river, with the old  panoramic city tour to discover Mozart’s  Arrival and accommodation.
          Latran neighborhood and castle, located  hometown, passing by Mirabell Palace,
          on the other side of the river Vltava.  Mozarteum ( the music university ),  DAY 13 – ZELL AM SEE
          Continue to Vienna, capital city of   Marionette Theater, Mozart’s Residence,  Breakfast and day free at leisure.
          Austria.                          Trinity Church, Hellbrunn Palace ( only
          Arrival and accommodation.        outside ), Nonnberg Abbey, Festival Halls,  DAY 14 – ZELL AM SEE – MUNICH
                                            Horse Bath, Getreidegasse and Mozart  Breakfast and transfer to Munich, main
          DAY 9 – VIENNA                    Square.                            city of the region Bavaria in the south of
          Breakfast buffet at the hotel and  In the afternoon, enjoy an excursion in  Germany. Arrival and city tour to show
          panoramic tour in the city, that begins  the Lakes and Mountain region called  you the main sightseeing from the old
          with a drive along the Ringstrasse,  “Salzkammergut”.                town as the City Hall on Marienplatz,
          Vienna’s main boulevard, passing the  Our first stop will be Hallstatt. The  Viktualien Market, Frauenkirche, among
          Hofburg Palace, the Opera House, the  picturesque village on the lake with the  others. Enjoy a relaxing visit to the
          monument of Empress Maria Theresia  same name owes its existence to the  gardens of the Nymphenburg Palace,
          located between the twin museums –  rich salt deposit of salt in the mountain  following to Olympia Park or the BMW
          Fine Art History Museum and Nature  of Hallstatt. Among the most beautiful  World.
          History Museum, Parliament, City  places of interest are the oldest salt mine  Afternoon free at leisure.
          Hall, Votiv Church, St Charles Church,  in the world and the ossuary in Hallstatt,
          Musikverein which houses the Vienna  a romantic boat ride on Lake Hallstatt,  DAY 15 – MUNICH
          Philharmonic Orchestra and the    a trip to the breathtaking cave world in  Breakfast and transfer to the airport of
          monument of Johann Strauss, father  Obertraun and a visit to the Lake Gosau  Munich to board the plane back home.

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