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Because its geographical location offers and snowboarding to hiking and biking infrastructures, railway connections and
visitors a millenary history reflected in trails, climbing and swimming; gastron- an international airport; with a network
mythical cities such as Vienna, Salzburg omy, with dishes of imperial heritage of roads and highways in perfect con-
or Innsbruck, its castles and palaces, and international sweets, vineyards and dition and good rest facilities that take
abbeys and fortresses as well as land- apricots, coffee and care of drivers.
scapes as diverse as mountains and unique fruit liqueurs; family activities,
lakes, volcanic hills and majestic with slides and parks, stories and ex- Because it is the ideal destination to enjoy.
rivers. periences for children; relaxation, with
hotels and facilities that invite you to Because Austria means holidays.
Because Austria has an endless offer of disconnect from everyday life.
cultural activities, with art museums
and monumental architecture, music Because it is a small country within
concerts and operas; sports, from skiing easy reach, with great public transport