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visit in the Salt Mines in Hallein or at the   concepts of space and experience from   of Hochosterwitz. Built between 14th
          city’s beer brewery Stiegl. In the evening   the sparkling material. Arrival in Innsbruck   and 15th Centuries on top of a hill, the
          we will have also the opportunity to enjoy   and rest of the day free at leisure.   fortress’ main landmark are the 14 walled
          a concert with the best Mozart’s pieces.                             gates which open up to the armoury yard.
                                            DAY 9 INNSBRUCK                    We continue our to to Graz, a lively city
          DAY 7 SALZBURG – WERFEN           After breakfast we will go on a walking   thanks to its student population.
          – ZELL AM SEE                     tour through the old town. The middle
          We will admire today one of the most   Ages meet the 21st century where   DAY 12 GRAZ
          beautiful natural creations on our way to   charming little alleys meet the broad   On our city tour we will discover the top
          Zell am See, the Ice Cave in Werfen   promenade of Maria-Theresien-Straße   10 highlights of Graz, starting on a drive
          ( May to October ). After a cable car ride   and The Golden Roof, the Hofkirche,   with the mountain railway to Schlossberg,
          we will a walking tour inside the cave,   traditional inns and the Imperial Palace   from where we will enjoy the view over
          traversing about 134 altitude meters while   bring history to life. We will continue   the old town as well as its main landmark,
          being astonished by the beauty of the ice   to Bergisel, the Olympic ski jumping   the Clock Tower. Coming down we will
          sculptures and the impressive dimensions   site which offers us breathtaking views   stroll around the cathedral of Graz or the
          of the cave.                      over the city and the mountain walls.   Mausoleum nearby, the Landeszeughaus
          We continue our tour to Zell am See, one   Afternoon free at leisure.   armoury and the Glockenspiel to the Mur
          of the main ski and mountain activities                              Island, a futurist view platform on the
          resort of Austria. In the afternoon we will   DAY 10 INNSBRUCK – LIENZ   river. Afternoon free to enjoy this pulsating
          explore its city center, with main sites   – VILLACH – VELDEN AM     city.
          such as the Kastnerturm or Constable’s   WÖRTHERSEE
          Tower, the oldest building in town dating   Today we will cross the Alps to get to   DAY 13 GRAZ – VIENNA
          from 12th Century; the town’s Parish   Lienz, a picturesque town in East Tyrol.   Breakfast buffet and transfer to Vienna.
          church; the Castle Rosenberg from 16th   We will continue to Villach, where we will   Arrival and day at leisure. In the evening,
          Century and which houses today the   enjoy some free time to stroll through   we will gather together for the last time
          city Hall and a gallery. Afternoon free at   the old town, watching the bustle on   with a dinner on the top of the Danube
          leisure.                          the squares, wander through the narrow   Tower.
                                            alleys and scour interesting shops before
          DAY 8 ZELL AM SEE – KITZBÜHEL     we head to Velden am Wörthersee, the   DAY 14  VIENNA
          – WATTENS – INNSBRUCK             Austrian Riviera and main meeting point   Breakfast buffet at the hotel and transfer
          Breakfast buffet at the hotel and   of the local jet set.            to the airport at the appointed hour.
          departure to Kitzbühel, the sports capital                           Package includes:
          in the heart of the Alps which combines   DAY 11 VELDEN AM WÖRTHERSEE
          tradition and lifestyle as charming as   – KLAGENFURT – GRAZ         Package includes:
          any other city. It offers many possibilities   We will start the day with a boat tour   • 13 nights accommodation including
          for sporting activities in beautiful nature   on the lake Wörther, crossing it to get   buffet breakfast
          combined with a historical center with   Klagenfurt on the opposite shore. Upon   • Porterage service at the hotels
          almost chic flair of doing business.    disembark we will go on a walking tour   • Transfers upon arrival and departure
          Continue to Wattens, where we will visit   passing by its Italian palaces and cultural   • English speaking tour director
          the Chambers of Wonder at Swarovski   treasures such as the Coat of Arms   • Deluxe coach
          Crystal World, where internationally and   Hall, the Carinthian Museum of Modern   • Visits with licensed guides
          nationally recognized artists, designers,   Art, the Klagenfurt City Theatre or the   • Entrances as per the program
          and architects have interpreted crystal   romantic Lendkanal, before we head to   • A surprise invitation to a concert,
          in their own unique ways. They create   our next highlight of this tour, the Fortress   cultural event or excursion

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