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in the cities of Pancevo and Smederevo,   We will start the visit in the Tsarevets   Reserve, the Danube Delta stretches
          main industrial hubs of Serbia, where   fortress, located on the hill of the   over 2,733km² and is home to more
          jewels are hidden as the Vojlovica   same name, and seat of the royal and   than 3,400 species of animals and over
          convent (one of the oldest in the region)   patriarchal palace. The complex is   1,200 different species of vegetation. It is
          and the small fortress on the banks of   composed of 3.6m high walls and three   a region rich in marshes, reed beds and
          the river Jezava flowing into the Danube.   gates, the Royal Palace, the Patriarchate,   swamps and forests of willows, poplars,
                                            the Baldwin Tower and the Asenova   oaks, elms and ash trees.
          We will arrive at Drobeta Turnu Severin,   Gate. Free time for lunch.   The river is navigable for the most part,
          of Roman origin and whose traces can                                 which helps a great fishing activity carried
          be seen in the remains of the Trajan   Then we will arrive in Arbanassi, a   out with typical wooden kayaks.
          Bridge. Other points of interest are the   splendid city-museum, remarkable also   Today we will go on an excursion to the
          remains of the Cathedral of St. Severin,   for its magnificent church “The Birth of   Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, where
          the Town Hall and the Water Tower of   Jesus” from the 16th-17th centuries.   we will take boat trips, observe its fauna
          1910. We continue to Craiova, where   Return to Russe and overnight.   and flora and enjoy a typical fisherman’s
          we will stay. Rest of the day at leisure                             lunch. Return to Tulcea and rest of the
          to discover the pedestrianized historical   DAY 17 RUSSE - SILISTRA - BRAILA   day at leisure. Overnight in Tulcea.
          center, where the highlights are the Bane   - TULCEA
          House and the Church of St. Demetrius,   From today we face the last part of   DAY 19 TULCEA - BUCHAREST
          both from the 17th century.       the journey, in which we will reach the   Departure after breakfast to the capital
                                            Danube Delta. Our first stop on the way   of Romania. Upon arrival, panoramic
          DAY 15 CRAIOVA - RUSSE            will be in Silistra, one of the oldest cities in   visit during which we will admire the
          We continue our route towards the   Bulgaria, founded by the Romans under   Parliament, the second largest building in
          Danube, which acts as a natural   the name of Durostorum.            the city with more than 1000 rooms and
          border between Romania and Bulgaria.   A tomb and archaeological remains from   one of the best examples of communist
          Upon arrival in Russe we will take a   that period are still preserved in the city’s   architecture; the Patriarchate, seat of
          guided tour to discover the great river   museum.                    the head of the Orthodox Church; the
          port of Bulgaria, of Roman origin and   It also highlights the Ottoman fortress   Romanian Athenaeum, considered a
          communications center from the Middle   built under the rule of Sultan Abdülmecid   symbol of Romanian culture; the National
          Ages. Highlights include the Church of   I, in the nineteenth century.   Museum of Art; the Arc de Triomphe, built
          the Holy Trinity, from the seventeenth                               in 1935 in the image and likeness of the
          century; the Catholic Cathedral of St.   Entering Romania we will stop in Braila,   Parisian Arc, among other monuments.
          Paul of the Cross, which preserves   where we will have free time to discover
          the oldest organ in the country from   its historic center, under protection of   DAY 20 BUCHAREST
          1907; the Theater and the House of the   national heritage, which include the Public   Breakfast at the hotel and at the indicated
          Eparchy.                          Garden, on the banks of the river, the   time, transfer to the airport for the return
          We will finish our visit with a boat ride to   Cathedral of the Birth of the Lord, the   flight.
          the Danube Bridge, which unites both   Greek Church of 1865 and the Church of
          countries. Lodging.               the Holy Archangels, used as a mosque
                                            during the Ottoman occupation. Arrival in
          DAY 16 RUSE - VELIKO TARNOVO      Tulcea and overnight.
          - ARBANASSI - RUSSE
          Today we will spend the day exploring the   DAY 18 DANUBE DELTA
          former historical capital of Bulgaria, Veliko   Declared a World Heritage Site in
          Tarnovo.                          1991 and later a UNESCO Biosphere

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