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DAY 8 BRATISLAVA - BEND OF THE    pass through picturesque villages such   system of subway corridors that extend
          DANUBE - BUDAPEST                 as Kalocsa, an agricultural town where   along 16km.
          We will start the day going up to the   the famous Hungarian “paprika” is grown.   On our way back to the center we can
          Bratislava castle, from where we can   Free time to stroll through its streets.   admire the Liberty Bridge, inaugurated in
          appreciate the magnificent views over   We continue to Pecs, historical city of   2005; the Church of St. Mary; the Town
          the city and the Danube. On the way   Hungary.                       Hall and the old synagogue, converted
          back to the historical center we will take   Highlights include the Cathedral of St.   into a concert hall.
          a guided walk to discover its jewels   Peter and St. Paul, the eleventh century,
          such as the Royal Road, the Cathedral   the Archbishop’s Palace, the mosque of   Then we will go to the National Park of
          of St. Matthias, the old town hall or the   Pasha Jakowali Hassan and is the best   Fruska Gora, also known as the “Holy
          Grassalkovich Palace, among others.   preserved building of Arab architecture   Mountain”, for the architectural complex
          We leave for Hungary, where the Danube   in the country and the pre-Christian   of 16 medieval monasteries. These
          presents itself in all its splendor. Our first   Cemetery with decorated chambers and   monasteries, of Orthodox origins and
          stop will be in Esztergom, the Catholic   belongs to the list of World Heritage of   built during the 15th and 16th centuries,
          center of the country with its imposing   UNESCO.                    represent a unique cultural-historical
          cathedral; then we will arrive in Visegrad,   Rest of the day at leisure and overnight.   ensemble of Serbian Baroque art and
          former capital and royal residence and                               attract worshippers and tourists alike.
          finally we will visit St. Andrew, a village of   DAY 11 PECS - DANUBE- DRAVA   Arrival in Belgrade and overnight.
          craftsmen.                        NATIONAL PARK - NOVI SAD
          In St. Andrew we will embark on a boat   Today we start a new stage of the journey,   DAY 13 BELGRADE
          trip to Budapest, arriving in this beautiful   entering the Balkan part of the Danube. In   After breakfast we will visit the capital of
          city by river. Transfer from the pier to the   the morning we will arrive in Móhacs, on   the Serbian Republic. We will start at the
          hotel and accommodation.          the border between Hungary and Croatia,   Republic Square with the main buildings
                                            to visit the Danube-Drava National Park,   of the city, such as the National Theater,
          DAY 9  BUDAPEST                   where we can enjoy a canoe tour on the   the National Museum, the Academy
          In the morning panoramic tour to   rivers or a trekking route through the park.   of Sciences or the Federal Parliament.
          discover the city divided by the Danube                              We will also visit the Palace of Princess
          River. On the one hand, the city of Buda   Passing through Vukovar we will cross   Ljubica and the Cathedral (Saborna
          located on top of the hill, in whose old   the 740m bridge over the Danube that   crkva).
          town are the castle and the Fishermen’s   connects the towns of Ilok in Croatia with
          Bastion, from which you can admire the   Backa Palanka in Serbia.    Through its ancient streets we will reach
          panoramic view.                   Arrival in Novi Sad, where we will spend   the fortress of Kalamegdan, surrounded
          Then we descend from the hill to discover   the night.               by a spectacular park.
          the Pest side, the new town, passing                                 During the panoramic tour we will see
          by the Andrassy Boulevard, the Opera   DAY 12 NOVI SAD - FRUSKA GORA   Dedinje, the House of Flowers, the Tomb
          House, St. Stephen’s Basilica, the Great   NATIONAL PARK - BELGRADE   of the former president of ex-Yugoslavia,
          Synagogue and the Heroes’ Square.   In the morning we leave to visit the   Josip Broz Tito, the Marakana soccer
          We finish the visit in the Great Market,   Petrovaradin Fortress, built on top of a hill   stadium and the church of St. Sava.
          where we can discover and taste typical   and from which you can see the whole   Afternoon free for personal activities and
          specialties of the country. Free afternoon   city and the Danube River. Built between   overnight.
          and overnight.                    1692 and 1780, it was the most important
                                            fortress of the Austro-Hungarian Empire   DAY 14 BELGRADE - CRAIOVA
          DAY 10 BUDAPEST - PECS            in Balkan lands. It highlights 5 entrance   Today we will enter Romania following
          Following the course of the river we will   gates, the clock tower and a defensive   the course of the Danube. We will stop

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