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scientific genius Albert Einstein, seeing   on a river trip that will take us through the   DAY 6 LINZ - DANUBE VALLEY
          the city theater of 1641, renovated in the   Danube Gorge, with 80m high walls, to   Today we leave for Melk, where stands
          twentieth century; the Gothic cathedral,   the Weltenburg convent, where beer has   the imposing Abbey, the best and
          whose construction began in the   been brewed for 1,000 years. We visit the   greatest example of Austrian Baroque
          fourteenth century and was completed in   convent and enjoy lunch with local beer   architecture and from which we can
          1890; the 15th century pre-Renaissance   on the premises.            admire a unique view over the Danube.
          Town Hall, to which an astronomical clock   Return to Regensburg and rest of the
          was added in 1520; the “crooked house”   day at leisure. We recommend strolling   Free time for lunch and then we will take
          from 1443; the fishermen’s quarter, the   through the squares “Alter Kornmarkt”,   a boat trip (May to October) to Dürnstein,
          city walls, the butcher’s tower and the   the Cathedral Square or Arnulf Square,   a beautiful medieval town crowned by the
          cloister of the Söflingen convent.   and eat a German sausage in the historic   blue bell tower of the Augustinian church.
          We leave for Augsburg, one of the oldest   kitchen “Wurstkuchl”, active since the   Free time to stroll around Dürnstein.
          cities in Germany and an important   12th century when it was installed next to   The landscape of the Danube Valley is
          business and communications center   the construction of the bridge to feed the   characterized by terraced vineyards and
          of the country. Highlights include the   workers. Overnight stay.    fruit trees, especially apricots. We will visit
          “Fuggerei”, the oldest social housing                                some wine cellars and enjoy a tasting of
          complex in the world founded by the   DAY 5  REGENSBURG - PASSAU - LINZ   their best wines.  Overnight in the valley
          Fugger family and continuously inhabited   Departure to Passau, beautiful town   area.
          since 1523; the Cathedral and the   located at the confluence of 3 rivers -
          basilicas of St. Ulrich and St. Afra,   Danube, Inn and Ilz - making it one of the   DAY 7 DANUBE VALLEY - VIENNA
          witnesses of medieval times; the Perlach   main cruise ports on the Danube River.   - BRATISLAVA
          Tower, the Town Hall and the Arsenal   We will stroll through its medieval streets,   After breakfast we will arrive in Vienna,
          (Zeughaus), magnificent examples of   among which stands out the Cathedral of   capital of Austria. In a tour around the
          Renaissance art; and the Synagogue or   St. Stephen, the Lamberg Palace and the   Ringstrasse we will contemplate the most
          the old city pool, in Art Nouveau style.   Old Residence of the Bishops of Passau.   outstanding buildings of the city, such
          Free time to enjoy the city. In the   Then we enter Austria following the   as the Opera, the Hofburg or Winter
          afternoon we will arrive in Regensburg.   course of the Danube, which will take   Palace, the Museum of Fine Arts and
          Overnight in Regensburg.          us to Linz, the great river port of the   its twin Museum of Natural History, the
                                            country. In a guided walking tour of the   Parliament, the City Hall or the Votive
          DAY 4 REGENSBURG                  historic center we will visit the Cathedral   Church, among others.
          Called “Castra Regina” under the Roman   of the Immaculate Conception; we will   We will continue with a pleasant walking
          Empire, Regensburg is one of the main   see the Main Square, one of the largest   tour through the center that will take us
          cities on the Danube River. Its historic   rectangular squares in Europe, with its   to St. Stephen’s Cathedral, the narrow
          center is listed in the UNESCO cultural   baroque buildings; and more modern   streets of the Jewish quarter, the house
          heritage list highlighting the medieval   works such as the Music Theater, the   where Mozart lived or the Danube Canal,
          Stone Bridge across the river; the Old   Ars Electronica Center and the Lentos   an area of street artists.
          Town Hall; the Porta Pretoria, witness of   Kunstmuseum. We will finish the visit on   We will end the visit with one of the
          the Roman era; St. Peter’s Cathedral,   the Pöstlingberg hill, from where we will   most Viennese customs: tasting a coffee
          built over 700 years ago, seat of the   enjoy a unique panoramic view of the city.   accompanied by the famous Sacher
          bishopric and where Pope Benedict   On the way back to the center we will   Cake.
          XVI served as professor of Dogma and   taste the famous Linzer Torte, with a   In the afternoon we will go to Bratislava,
          History of Catholic dogma.        latticed pastry lid and filled with currant   capital of Slovakia.
          We will then drive to Kelheim, 30min   jam. Rest of the day at leisure and   Overnight stay.
          south of the city, where we will embark   overnight.

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