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          DAY 1  FRANKFURT – FREIBURG IM    DAY 2  FREIBURG – COLMAR           and liqueurs; we follow to Place de
          BREISGAU                          – FREIBURG                         l’Ancienne Douane, where traditional
          Arrival at Frankfurt airport and transfer to   In the morning, visit of the city, whose   and modern creations come together;
          Freiburg im Breisgau, in the heart of the   historical center is divided by small   the fourth stop is the Koifhus Inner
          Black Forest.                     water channels, popularly called   Market, where the creations of all
          On arrival, visit of the Freiburger   “Bächle” (stream in German) and which   kinds of craftsmen such as ceramists,
          Weihnachstmarkt in the historical   highlights are the Gothic cathedral, the   potters, jewelers, cabinet makers, etc.
          center, where you will have the   old town hall of the sixteenth century   are on display. The route ends at the
          opportunity to meet Nikolaus, make   and the University.             Petite Venice Market, framed by the
          your own candle at a candle workshop,   Afterwards we will cross the border to   half-timbered houses and the canals
          discover local craftsmanship beyond   visit Colmar, a Christmas paradise in   that cross the city and a real magnet for
          cuckoo clocks and, of course, its   France. On arrival we will take a tour   children on the merry-go-round or the
          gastronomy with roasted chestnuts and   through the 5 markets that make it the   little houses with rabbits and sheep.
          nuts, marzipan and chocolate sweets   first Christmas destination in France.   Return to Freiburg and accommodation.
          and the “Lange rote” (typical local   The first stop will be at the Place des
          sausages) with “Glühwein” (hot spiced   Dominicans, in the heart of the city   DAY 3  FREIBURG – HEIDELBERG
          wine). Accommodation.             and whose little houses offer all kinds   Departure in the morning for
                                            of Christmas decorations; we continue   Heidelberg. Arrival and walk through
                                            to the Place Jeanne d ‘Arc, a replica   the Heidelberger Weihnachstmarkt.
                                            of an Alsatian village awaits you with   There are 6 different stages, starting
                                            an abundant offer of local gastronomy   at Bismarckplatz, the entrance to
                                            such as foie grass, sausages, wines   the historic center, and continuing to
                                                                               Anatomiegarten, University Square
                                                                               with 70 houses and a carousel,
                                                                               Marktplatz with up to 140 houses
                                                                               where you can find all kinds of
                    GERMANY                                                    handicrafts, Christmas decorations and
                                                                               local cuisine, Kornmarkt with its winter
                                                                               forest decoration, and finally Karlsplatz,
                                                                               where you can test your sports skills
                    Frankfurt                                                  skating on ice. Accommodation.

                    Heidelberg                                                 DAY 4  HEIDELBERG – FRANKFURT
                                                                               Breakfast and transfer to Frankfurt


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