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12th century when the Portico de la Gloria   Ribeira Sacra is the youngest of these   varieties such as godello, treixadura or
          and the crypt were added. Free afternoon.   areas, having achieved recognition in   dona blanca for the production of white
                                            1997. Its microclimate, protected by   wine and mencía, merenzao or araúxa
          DAY 6: SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA     the rivers Miño and Sil, together with its   grapes for red wine are grown in this area.
          - RIBEIRO - VALDEORRAS - RIBEIRA   southern orientation, favors the necessary   We will visit some wineries and taste their
          SACRA - OURENSE (379km, 5,5 hrs)   ripening of its grapes, in this case with   wines.
          Departure to the appellations of origin of   a higher production of red wines than   Continuation to Guimaraes, historical
          Ribeiro, Valdeorras and Ribeira Sacra.   white wines. Arrival in Ourense and   city of Portugal recognized by UNESCO
          We will visit wineries, where we will be   accommodation.            as a World Heritage Site in 2001. Its
          explained their different wines and methods                          historic center is a great witness of the
          and we will be able to taste them.  DAY 7: OURENSE - MONTERREI       passage from a medieval city to a modern
          Ribeiro is the oldest denomination of   - GUIMARAES - OPORTO (260km, 3 hrs)   city. Highlights include the 15th century
          origin in Galicia. The area is influenced by   Visit Ourense, known for its thermal springs   Palace of the Dukes of Bragança and
          the Mediterranean and Atlantic climates,   at 60 and 80 degrees and its monuments   the 9th century Guimaraes Castle. Free
          achieving a unique climate that favors a   such as the 12th century cathedral, where   time to enjoy the city. Arrival in Porto and
          slower than usual ripening process.   the Pórtico de la Gloria stands out; the   accommodation.
          Valdeorras obtained its denomination of   Puente Mayor across the Miño river or the
          origin in 1945. Located on the banks of the   Cloister of San Francisco.   DAY 8: PORTO
          Sil river, it offers slate soils at an average   Departure to Monterrei. This denomination   Breakfast at the hotel and transfer to the
          altitude of 500 meters above sea level. Its   of origin dates back to Roman times,   airport.
          production is divided into white and red   being in the Middle Ages when it lays the
          wines, the former being the predominant.   foundations of its cultivation. Grapes of

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