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Mungo’s Cathedral, the 4 universities   disembark and arrive at the hotel. Rest of   attractions: the Blackrock Castle, from the
          that make it an educational center in the   the day at leisure.      16th century and located on the shores
          country, the City Chamber in George                                  of the harbor is now an observatory and
          Square, the Necropolis, the Green &   DAY 10 DUBLIN                  scientific center; the Cork City Gaol, former
          People’s Palace and the Pollock House.   In the morning, city tour in which we will   prison of the city and now ethnographic
          Free time for individual walks along   see its main jewels such as Dublin Castle,   museum to show life in Cork during the
          Buchanan Street, Ennoch Square and the   on top of Cork Hill; the Irish Government   19th – 20th centuries; the Shandon
          Byres Road.                       buildings; the 18th century Town Hall; the   Bell Tower; St Fin Barre Cathedral; the
          Continuation to Liverpool, birthplace of 4   Sean O’Casey, Samuel Beckett and James   Presbyterian Church of the Trinity and the
          musical geniuses who revolutionized the   Joyce bridges; the Anglican cathedrals of   Main Market.
          music scene.                      Saint Patrick and Christ; the Catholic pro-  Free time to discover Cork at your leisure
                                            cathedral of St. Mary; the historic center   before continuing the journey to Waterford,
          DAY 8 LIVERPOOL                   with Georgian architecture and the famous   where we will have accommodation today.
          After breakfast, departure to visit the city   Trinity College library.
          of Liverpool. To the beat of The Beatles   Afterwards, we will enjoy a private visit to   DAY 13 WATERFORD - ROSSLARE
          we will visit the Albert Dock and Pier Head,   the Guinness Brewery, during which we   - FISHGUARD - CARDIFF
          where the historic buildings of the shipping   will taste its famous dark beers as well as a   Today we will get up early to reach
          company Cunard, the Royal Liver Building   dinner in its restaurant. Lodging.   Rosslare, where we will board the first
          and the Port of Liverpool Building are                               ferry of the day to Fishguard, on the Welsh
          located; we will also see the Protestant   DAY 11 DUBLIN - GALWAY - LIMERICK   coast, to return to the UK. On board the
          cathedral of neo-Gothic style and the   We continue our exciting tour of the   ferry we will enjoy a buffet breakfast.
          Catholic Metropolitan Cathedral, both   Atlantic pearls. After enjoying the capital,   Arrival around 11:00 a.m. in Fishguard, on
          built in the twentieth century, the Maritime   we continue our route to Galway, a vibrant   the south coast of Wales, and continuation
          Museum and the Museum of The Beatles.    and colorful city, wrapped between its   of the tour to Cardiff, with a stop in
          Free time to enjoy this modern city. In   medieval walls and white sandy beaches.   Swansea, where we will visit the largest
          the evening, dinner in the restaurant of   We will stroll through Eyre Square and the   indoor market in Wales, where we will
          the famous pub “The Cave”, where the 4   Latin Quarter with wonders such as the   have the opportunity to taste typical Welsh
          friends played before being discovered.   Spanish Arch, Quay Street and Kirwans   specialties.
                                            Lane; we will admire the 1965 Cathedral of   Arrival in Cardiff mid-afternoon. Guided
          DAY 9 LIVERPOOL - LLANDUDNO -     the Assumption of Mary and discover the   tour of its main monuments such as the
          CAERNARFON - HOLYHEAD - DUBLIN    flavors of Galway Market.          Town Hall, Roath Park, St Fagans Castle
          Today we have an exciting day ahead of   Then we will head to the coast to see   or the Pierhead building. Free time and
          us! Leaving Liverpool we enter Wales,   the famous Cliffs of Moher, which give us   accommodation.
          where we will stop in the picturesque   breathtaking views over the Atlantic Ocean,
          village of Llandudno, a seaside resort   with pearls such as the Aran Islands,   DAY 14 CARDIFF - BATH - LONDON
          known since the 19th century and where   Galway Bay or the Maam Turk Mountain   On the way back to London we will still
          Lewis Carroll found the inspiration to write   Range. We also find the O’Briens Tower,   enjoy several stops in Bath, a thermal
          his most famous work “Alice’s Adventures   one of the greatest monuments of Ireland.   paradise already known in Roman times
          in Wonderland”.                   In the late afternoon we will arrive in   and later converted into a destination for
          We continue to Caernarfon, home of the   Limerick, an ancient city on the banks   the English aristocracy, leaving a unique
          castle of the same name and linked to the   of the River Shannon. Free time to enjoy   heritage of theaters, museums and
          title of Prince of Wales. We will visit the   its medieval center, which highlights the   galleries; Stonehenge, the magnificent
          scene of the coronation of Prince Charles   12th century cathedral, the castles of King   Celtic monument composed of large
          of England as such. Before continuing on   John and Bunratty, the Cahermoyle House   rectangular stone blocks arranged in a
          to Holyhead we will stop at the village with   and Glenstal Abbey, among other gems.   circle; and Highclere Castle, where the
          the longest name in the world,    Overnight stay.                    series “Downtown Abbey” was filmed in its
          Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwlllla-                          entirety.
          ntysiliogogogoch. Get your camera zoom   DAY 12 LIMERICK - CORK - WATERFORD   Arrival in London and overnight.
          ready to capture the whole name!   Departure to Cork, the second city of
          We arrive in Holyhead, where we will board   Ireland after Dublin. On arrival we will be   DAY 15 LONDON
          the ferry that will take us to Dublin, capital   met by the local guide who will accompany   Breakfast at the hotel and at the agreed
          of Ireland. After a 4-hour crossing, we will   us during the visit to discover its main   time, transfer to the airport.

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