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          (Vienna - Leoben - Bad Ischl - Zell am See - Innsbruck)

          DAY 1 VIENNA                      continue to Leoben, in the heart of  We will then drive to Bad Ischl, in
          Arrival in Vienna and meet & greet with  Austria. Overnight stay.    the heart of the Lake and Mountain
          the guide. Transfer to the hotel and check                           district, known under the name of
          in. In the evening, we will enjoy a get  DAY 3 LEOBEN – HOHENTAUERN  Salzkammergut. There we will visit
          together dinner at one of the typical wine  – LEOBEN                 the Kaiservilla, the wedding gift of
          taverns in Neustift am Walde or Nussdorf  Today’s excursion will take us to  Archduchess Sophie to her son,
          or Grinzing, the wine-growing districts of  Hohentauern, where we will follow  Emperor Franz Joseph, on his marriage
          Vienna.                           the traces of the Celtic culture, which  to Princess Elisabeth of Bavaria, better
                                            developed a commercial passage through  known as Empress Sissi. Rest of the day
          DAY 2 VIENNA – EISENSTADT         the mountains and lakes of Hohentauern.  at leisure.
          – NEUSIEDLER SEE – LEOBEN         During this route we will enjoy an
          Today we start our tour departing to  exceptional landscape, we will be able  DAY 5 BAD ISCHL – ALZKAMMERGUT
          Eisenstadt, home of the Esterhazy family,  to drink water from natural springs and  Today we arrive in St Wolfgang, on the
          once one of the richest aristocratic  discover a new world of flora and fauna.  shores of the lake of the same name,
          families in Central Europe and patrons of  On the way back to Leoben we will visit  where we will enjoy a walking tour of this
          several artists, including Joseph Haydn,  the Gösser brewery, one of the largest in  fairytale village. We will climb the
          to whom the main hall of the palace is  Austria, which we will taste with dinner  Schafberg
          dedicated. We will visit the Esterhazy  afterwards.                  mountain with the steam cog railway and
          Palace and have free time to walk along                              then cross the lake on a boat ride to the
          the main street of the city.      DAY 4 LEOBEN – HALLSTATT           other shore, disembarking in St. Gilgen.
          We will continue our way to the   – BAD ISCHL                        Overnight in the area.
          Neusiedler See Lake, natural border  We depart towards the lakes of
          between Austria and Hungary, being  Grundlsee and Bad Aussee until we  DAY 6 SALZKAMMERGUT – WERFEN
          most of it in Austria. There we will  reach the most beautiful village of Austria,  – ZELL AM SEE
          meet a ranger who will take us on a  Hallstatt, a picturesque village located  Today we will admire one of the most
          route through the National Park of the  between the lake and the mountain and  spectacular natural creations, the Werfen
          lake, during which he will show us the  offering spectacular views to the visitor.  Ice Cave (May to October), on our way
          landscapes of marshes and vineyards,  We will board the “Skywalk” platform and  to Zell am See. After a cable car ride we
          with a unique fauna and flora. We  take a boat ride on the lake.     will take a walk into the cave, crossing
                                                                               about 134meters of altitude while
                                                                               admiring the beauty of the ice sculptures
                                                                               and the impressive dimensions of the
                                               AUSTRIA          Vienna         We continue our tour to Zell am See,
                                                                               one of the main ski and mountain activity
                                  Salzkammergut                                centers in Austria. Upon arrival we will
                                          Bad Ischl  Eisenstadt  Neusideler    head to the Kitzsteinhorn glacier, on
                          Zell am See      Hallstatt             See           whose “Top of Salzburg” platform we
             Innsbruck                             Leoben
                      Achensee   Werfen Hohentauern                            will be surrounded by a unique natural
                                                                               scenery, with peaks of more than 3,000
                                                                               meters and eternal snow.
                                                                               In the summer months (July & August)
                                                                               enjoy a slide sheets run, tobogganing, or
                                                                               sunbathing on the snow beach. DAY 7

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