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          DAY 1  MUNICH                     DAY 3  MUNICH - NEUSCHWANSTEIN     Triumphal Arch and St. Anne’s Column,
          Arrival at Munich airport and transfer to   - INNSBRUCK              lead to the symbol of the city, the Golden
          the hotel.                        Departure in the morning after     Roof, the Imperial Church and the
                                            breakfast to Füssen, where we will   Imperial Palace. Overnight stay.
          DAY 2  MUNICH                     visit Neuschwanstein Palace, the most
          Breakfast at the hotel and departure for   famous of the three palaces built by King   DAY  4 INNSBRUCK - HERRENINSEL
          a panoramic tour of the city, with the   Ludwig II of Bavaria, nicknamed “the   PALACE - SALZBURG
          City Hall on Marienplatz, the Vitualien   Madman”. Born from the imagination of   Departure in the morning after breakfast
          Markt market, the Church of Our Lady,   the king, is a set of various architectural   to the German town of Prien am
          where Pope Benedict XVI was a cardinal;   and decorative styles, purely aesthetic   Chiemsee. Located on the shores of
          the famous Hofbräuhaus brewery, the   function, with continuous references   Lake Chiemsee, in the center stands
          Residence, the Old and New Pinakothek   to legends and medieval heroes.   the island of Herreninsel, where King
          or St. Peter’s Church, among other   Continuation of the tour to Innsbruck,   Ludwig II of Bavaria had his third and
          monuments. Enjoy a relaxing stroll   capital of the Alps and the Austrian Tyrol   lesser known palace built. This was to
          through the gardens of Nymphenburg   region. Arrival and walking tour of the   be a smaller scale copy of the Palace of
          Palace before continuing the tour   city center, whose streets combine the   Versailles, which remained half-built after
          to Olympia Park and BMW World.    Medieval Ages with the 21st century.   the king’s untimely death. Only 7 rooms,
          Afternoon at leisure and overnight.   The Maria-Theresia Avenue, with its   together with the kitchen and the main


                                                         Herreninsel Palace


                                          Innsbruck                 AUSTRIA

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