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          DAY 1  VIENNA                     gastronomic houses, among others, are   handcrafted products from local artists,
          Arrival in Vienna and transfer to the   distributed.                 from ornaments to soaps, from glass
          hotel. In the evening, departure to visit   We return to the city center. The first stop   creations to natural cosmetics, from
          the Spittelberg market, located in this   will be at Am Hof Square, where one   kitchen items to wooden toys are offered.
          old quarter of baroque houses from   of the oldest Christmas markets in the   It is the only market with certified organic
          the 17th century. The houses with   city has been held since 1842. It is ideal   gastronomy.
          various decorations and handicrafts are   for finding gingerbread, honey, wax or   We will finish our tour at the most famous
          alternated with typical food and drinks,   wool clothing specialties, wooden toys   market, the “Christkindlmarkt am
          such as “Glühwein” (hot spiced wine) or   and various antiques. From this square   Rathausplatz”. With the imposing City
          “Punsch” (punch). Do not miss out on the   we go to the parallel Freyung square to   Hall as a backdrop, it is the main meeting
          chance to try them!  Accommodation.  visit the “Altwiener Christkindlmarkt”,   point for locals and visitors. The imposing
                                            surrounded by several palaces and   Adventkranz with its four candles (one
          DAY 2  VIENNA                     which offers Christmas decoration,   per Advent weekend) welcomes visitors.
          Prepare yourself today to discover the   wicker baskets and castes, ceramics,   Throughout the park there are small
          true meaning of Christmas by visiting the   textiles, waxes and candles, soaps and   houses where you can find all kinds of
          markets set up in various parts of the city.   cosmetics.            decoration, figures of Bethlehem, scarves
          We will start at Schönbrunn Palace,   We continue to Karlsplatz, where the   and hats, music and various gifts, as
          the “Weihnachstmarkt Schloss      imposing Church of St. Charles stands.   well as an extensive range of cuisine,
          Schoenbrunn”. Installed in the entrance   Here we can enjoy the most artistic   with soups in bread, sausages, baked
          square, it is presided over by a large   market of the city, the “Art Advent -   potatoes, and sweets such as fruit in
          fir tree in the center of the square   Kunst & Handwerk am Karlsplatz”.   chocolate, baked apples, buns with
          around which the decorative, craft and   Daily concerts, and a wide range of   cream, as well as hot spiced wine or
                                                                               punsch. Accommodation.

                                                                               DAY 3  VIENNA
                                                                               Free day at leisure to enjoy the city
                                                                               and more Christmas markets, like the
                                                                               “Weihnachstdorf Maria Theresien Platz”  ,
                                                                               between the Museums of Fine Arts
                                                                               and Natural History; the “Adventmarkt
                                                              Vienna           Blumengärten Hirschtetten”, located
                                                                               outside the center, in the Botanical
                                                                               Garden of Hirschtetten and in which every
                                                                               year the market is presented under a
                                                   AUSTRIA                     different theme, being decorated as such;
                                                                               or the St. Stephen’s Cathedral Market,
                                                                               am Stephansplatz. Accommodation
                                                                               DAY 4  VIENNA
                                                                               Breakfast at the hotel and transfer to
                                                                               Vienna Airport.

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