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(Earth, Water, Fire and Wind)
 (Innsbruck - Jenbach - Achensee - Innsbruck - Grossglockner - Villach - Velden - Klagenfurt - Graz - Vienna)

          with specialties of the province of Styria in  a short funicular ride up the hill of the  represented by marine animals, starfish,
          the restaurant “Landhauskeller” or “Aiola im  “Schlossberg”, where there is the Clock  frogs, turtles and coral, among other
          Schloss”. Overnight stay.         Tower, symbol of the city. On our way back  elements.
                                            to the historical center we will pass the  The other two paintings belonging to this
          DAY 6 GRAZ – VOLCANO LAND         Graz Cathedral, the Armory of the Regional  series are in two private collections: “Earth”
          – GRAZ                            House and the Mur Island with its futuristic  in the Liechtenstein Palace, also in Vienna
          FIRE: In a hidden corner of Austria lies  bridge.                    (not open to the public), and “Wind” in
          a volcanic area, which although now  Lunch at a local restaurant “Zum  Switzerland.
          dormant, has left a fertile landscape for the  Steirerstubn” and in the afternoon, transfer  We will continue with a pleasant walking
          cultivation of vineyards and thermal waters  to Vienna and accommodation.  tour through the center that will take us to
          rich in magnesium.                                                   St. Stephen’s Cathedral, the narrow streets
          In this excursion we will pass through the  DAY 8 VIENNA             of the Jewish quarter, the house where
          towns of Feldbach, Fehring, Hirzenriegl  FIRE & WATER: In the morning panoramic  Mozart lived or the Danube Canal, an area
          and Bad Gleichenberg, among others,  tour of Vienna. In a tour around the  of street artists.
          which show us the still visible forms of  Ringstrasse we will contemplate the most  We will end the visit tasting one of the most
          the volcanoes. In Kapfenstein we will visit  outstanding buildings of the city, such  Viennese customs: a coffee accompanied
          its castle with vineyards, where we can  as the Opera House, the Hofburg or  by the famous Sacher cake.
          taste the volcanic wine and enjoy lunch.  Winter Palace, the Museum of Fine Arts  Free afternoon.
          We will finish the excursion very close  and its twin Museum of Natural History,  In the evening, farewell dinner in a typical
          to the Slovenian border, specifically in  the Parliament, the City Hall or the Votive  wine tavern in the districts of Neusitft
          Bad Radkersburg, famous for its thermal  Church, among others.       am Walde, Nußdorf or Grinzing. In these
          springs.                          We will visit the Museum of Fine Arts,  taverns, such as “Fuhrgassl Huber” or
          Return to Graz and accommodation.  which houses the magnificent paintings  “Mayer am Pfarrplatz”, we will taste the
                                            “Fire” and “Water” by the painter Giuseppe  typical Austrian cuisine, based on bread
          DAY 7 GRAZ – VIENNA               Arcimboldo, from the 16th century.  spreads, breaded meats such as the
          WIND: At dawn we will head to the starting  These paintings are part of the series  famous “Wiener Schnitzel” and grilled
          point in the outskirts of Graz where a hot air  “The 4 Elements” in which 4 faces are  meats, vegetable salads, potatoes and
          balloon will be waiting for us to fly over the  represented in profile, each composed  “sauerkraut” (fermented cabbage).
          area of Graz and Styria, its province. Green  of different elements. In the case of the
          landscapes, rivers and scattered cities, all  portrait “Fire”, the face is composed  DAY 9 VIENNA
          from a bird’s eye view.           of candles, flames, lamps and other  Breakfast at the hotel and transfer to the
          Return to Graz and visit of the city. In  objects related to this element. “Water” is  airport at the appointed time.

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