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          (Skopje - Ohrid - Tirana - Budva - Dubrovnik - Mostar - Sarajevo)

          DAY 1  SKOPJE                     DAY 2  SKOPJE - TETOVO - SKOPJE    Here he spent the rest of his years as a
          Arrival at Skopje airport, meeting with   Today we will go on an excursion to   Bektashi dervish dedicated to Sufism, a
          our guide and transfer to the hotel.   Tetovo, in the north of the country and   mystical branch of Islam. In the afternoon
          Panoramic tour of the city of Skopje,   close to the border with Kosovo. We will   we return to Skopje.
          located in the heart of the Balkan   visit the painted Mosque Sarena Dzamija,
          Peninsula, being an important crossroads   from 1438, in whose current courtyard   DAY 3  SKOPJE - BITOLA - OHRID
          of communications for 2,000 years.   of Dzamija are the fountain for ritual   Departure to Ohrid. Our first stop will
          During the visit we will see the Kale   cleansing (Wudu) and the octagonal tomb   be in Bitola. Known as “Manastir” under
          Fortress, the Church of St. Savior with its   of the founders Hurshide and Mensure.   Ottoman occupation, from this period
          icons carved in walnut wood, the Stone   Next we visited the Arabati Baba Tekke,   are the most outstanding monuments,
          Bridge and the old Bazaar. Overnight.   established in 1538 by Ali Baba, brother-  such as the Jahdar-Kadi mosque, by
                                            in-law of Suleiman the Magnificent.   the famous Ottoman architect Sinan, the
                                                                               catholic co-cathedral of the Sacred Heart,
                                                                               the Clock Tower - its symbol - and the
                                                                               Sirok Sokak avenue, the main commercial
                                                                               center of the city. We continue the tour to
                                                                               Ohrid, on the shores of the lake with the
                                                                               same name. Overnight stay.
                                                                               DAY 4  OHRID
                                                                               In the morning we will make the
                               BOSNIA                                          panoramic visit of Ohrid, which will
                           & HERZEGOVINA
                                                                               discover the city known as the 2nd
                                                                               Jerusalem. Famous for having had 365
                               Sarajevo                                        churches, only 70 have survived to
                                                                               the present day. Listed as a UNESCO
                              Mostar                                           heritage site for its unique heritage values,
                                      MONTENEGRO                               Ohrid was the oldest and most complete
                                                                               architectural ensemble in southeastern
                           Dubrovnik                                           Europe. Free afternoon to enjoy the Ohrid
                                            Kotor                              Lake. Overnight stay.
                                    Budva               Skopje
                                      Shkoder      Tetovo     NORTH            DAY 5  OHRID - TIRANA
                                          Kruja             MACEDONIA          Departure to Tirana. Arrival and
                                          Tirana                               panoramic visit. We explore the capital
                                                           Bitola              of Albania, which includes some of the
                                                      Ohrid                    most important historical points, such as
                                               ALBANIA                         the Skanderberg Statue, the Et Hembey
                                                                               Mosque, the Clock Tower, the Palace
                                                                               of Culture, the Martyrs of the Nation
                                                                               Boulevard and Mother Teresa Square,
                                                                               as well as examples of communist

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