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          (Dubrovnik - Budva - Shkodra - Valbona - Kolasin - Sarajevo - Split - Plitvice - Zagreb)

          DAY 1   DUBROVNIK                 DAY 2   DUBROVNIK - KOTOR - BUDVA   Visit of the city known for its handicraft
          Arrival at Dubrovnik airport, meeting   Departure to Kotor. Arrival and visit the   and communications center, especially
          with our guide and transfer to the hotel.   Cathedral of St. Tryphon, the fortress of   for the river traffic that favored trade.
          Afterwards, city tour: the charming   St. Ivan, the city gates and the Pima and   Then visit the Rozafa Castle, built on a
          medieval city of Dubrovnik, a UNESCO   Drago Palaces. We continue the circuit   rocky hill where you can see beautiful and
          World Heritage Site and also known as   to Budva, considered one of the oldest   attractive views. Overnight in Shkoder.
          the “Pearl of the Adriatic. Our walking   cities in the Adriatic area, where we will
          tour will take us through the Rector’s   make a walk through the old town and   DAY 4  SHKODER - KOMAN - VALBONA
          Palace, the Franciscan Monastery with   admire its Venetian style architecture, in   Departure to the Koman dam. On board
          its imposing church; the extensive   which the churches of St. Ivan, St. Mary   the ferry we will enjoy a 3-hour ride on
          Dominican Monastery, the Sponza   and the Holy Trinity stand out. Overnight   the Koman Lake. In the afternoon we will
          Palace (former customs house) and other   in Budva.                  visit the Valbona National Park amidst the
          baroque churches, such as St. Blaise                                 breathtaking panoramic views of the Drini
          (patron saint of the city). Overnight in   DAY 3  BUDVA - SHKODER    river valley, with canyons, waterfalls and
          Dubrovnik.                        Departure to Shkoder, formerly known as   incredible rock formations. Overnight in
                                            Scutari and third largest city in Albania.   Valbona.
                                                                               DAY 5  VALBONA - DECANI - PEJE
                                                                               - KOLASIN
                          Zagreb                                               We continue the tour to Decani through
                                CROATIA                                        Qafe Morina bordering Kosovo. Visit
                                                                               of the Decani Monastery, situated in a
                                                                               picturesque valley of the Bistrica River,
                  Plitvice                                                     surrounded by mountains and forests.
              National Park      BOSNIA
                              & HERZEGOVINA                                    Continuation to Kolasin, in Montenegro.
                                                                               Overnight in Kolasin.

                               Mostar                                          DAY 6  KOLASIN - MORACA
                        Split                                                  - OSTROG - SARAJEVO
                                          MONTENEGRO                           Departure to the Orthodox monastery
                                         Moraca         KOSOVO                 of Moraca monks, high on the right
                              Dubrovnik     Ostrog    Pej                      bank of the Moraca River, not far from
                                      Kotor       Valbona                      Kolasin. We continue to the Ostrog
                                      Budva      Koman                         Monastery, a real architectural marvel
                                         Shkodra                               carved into the rock. Since ancient times
                                                                               the mountain caves were the homes of
                                                                               hermits, who used them for seclusion
                                                                               and prayer. In the afternoon, departure
                                                                               to Sarajevo. The trip will take us through
                                               ALBANIA                         the mountains of Bosnia and the Pluzine
                                                                               Valley in Montenegro, passing through
                                                                               Niksic, known for its popular local beer.
                                                                               Overnight in Sarajevo.

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