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          (Vienna - Salzburg - Innsbruck)

          DAY 1 VIENNA                      “The Beethoven Frieze”, in which Klimt   DAY 4 VIENNA – DANUBE’S VALLEY
          Arrival in Vienna and transfer to the hotel.   also put images to the Ninth Symphony   – SALZBURG
          In the evening we will enjoy a ride with   of the composer Ludwig von Beethoven.   Today we depart to Danube’s Valley,
          the famous giant ferris wheel in the leisure   On the way we will see other modernist   where we find 2 of the main cultural
          park Prater and a welcome dinner in a   works such as the Pavilion and Houses   treasures of Austria, Göttweig Abbey
          typical wine tavern of Neusitft am Walde,   by Otto Wagner, as well as the most   and Melk Abbey. Both represent the best
          Nußdorf or Grinzing. Transfer back to the   outstanding buildings of the city, such as   baroque architecture of the country, being
          hotel and accommodation.          the Opera House, the Hofburg or Winter   included in the World Heritage list by
                                            Palace, the Museum of Fine Arts and   UNESCO since year 2.000.
          DAY 2 VIENNA                      its twin Museum of Natural History, the   We will visit both abbies, which offer us
          Always associated with the imperial   Parliament, the Town Hall or the Votive   unique views over the Danube river and
          palaces and Sissi, Vienna is also the   Church, among others.        its wineyards valley from their privileged
          birthplace of the “Secession”, one of the   We will end the tour having a coffee   position.  Continue to Salzburg. Arrival
          most important artistic movements of the   break in a typical Viennese coffee house   and accommodation.
          turn of the 19th-20th centuries, which laid   to enjoy a coffee accompanied by the
          the foundations of Austrian modernism.   famous Sacher cake. Free afternoon.   DAY 5 SALZBURG
          Among its members are Gustav Klimt,                                  Mozart, Maria von Trapp and Stefan
          Egon Schiele and Oskar Kokoschka   DAY 3 VIENNA                      Zweig. Three characters that summarize
          the most famous. On our city tour we   Free day to enjoy the  city on our own.   the culture of Salzburg, based on music
          will visit the Belvedere Palace, now the   We suggest to continue the cultural route   and literature. We will start our visit of
          National Art Gallery. Among its treasures   with a visit to the Leopold Museum – with   the city with a guided walk through the
          we will see the masterpiece of Viennese   works by Kokoschka and Schiele – or   historic center to see Mozart’s birthplace
          modernism, the painting “The Kiss” by   Albertina – with the stunning Batliner   and other tourist attractions such as the
          Gustav Klimt. Then we will go to the   collection, which gathers master works   Horse Fountain in the Residence Square
          Secession building, where we will admire   from Monet to Picasso.    and the Salzburg Summer Festival’s
          another of the key works of Austrian art,                            Theaters, all of them scenes of the movie
                                                                               “The Sound of Music”, which reflects the
                                                                               life of Maria von Trapp. Then we will go
                                                                               to the Kapuzinerberg mountain to visit
                                                                               the residence of the writer Stefan Zweig
                                                                               between 1919 and 1934, prolific writer in
                GERMANY                                                        whose work we find poetry, plays, essays,
                                                   Danube’s Valley             novels and outstanding biographies such
                           Palace of                                           as those of “Marie Antoinette” or “Mary
                         Herreninsel                            Vienna         Stuart” or the acclaimed “Stellar Moments
                                        Salzburg                               of Humanity”.
                                                                               Rest of the day at leisure.

              Innsbruck                            AUSTRIA                     DAY 6 SALZBURG – PALACE OF
                                                                               HERRENINSEL – INNSBRUCK
                                                                               Departure in the morning to the German
                                                                               town of Prien am Chiemsee. Located
                                                                               on the shores of Lake Chiemsee, in the
                                                                               center stands the island of Herreninsel,

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