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          (Vienna - Graz - Lienz - Innsbruck)

          DAY 1 VIENNA                      Viennese coffee house to enjoy a coffee   and human action. The town’s highlights
          Arrival in Vienna and meet & greet with   accompanied by the famous Sacher   are the Evangelist Church and the Fisher
          the guide. Transfer to the hotel and check   Cake.                   Church, the City Hall, the Kremayr House
          in. In the evening, we will enjoy a get                              and the architecture set Seehof.
          together dinner at one of the typical wine   Afternoon free at leisure, where you   Afterwards we continue to Graz.
          taverns in Neustift am Walde or Nussdorf   will have the opportunity to visit the
          or Grinzing, the wine-growing districts of   Schönbrunn Castle and enjoy a Viennese   DAY 4 GRAZ
          Vienna.                           evening with a concert featuring the   On our city tour we will discover the top
                                            classical masterpieces of Wolfgang   10 highlights of Graz, starting on a drive
          DAY 2 VIENNA                      Amadeus Mozart and Johann Strauss,   with the mountain railway to Schlossberg,
          In the morning we will discover the city   two of Vienna’s most famous citizens.     from where we will enjoy the view over
          on a panoramic tour with a drive along                               the old town as well as its main landmark,
          the Ringstrasse, Vienna’s main boulevard,   DAY 3 VIENNA – EISENSTADT – RUST   the Clock Tower. Coming down we will
          passing by the Hofburg Palace, the   – GRAZ                          stroll around the cathedral of Graz or the
          Opera House, the twin museums – Fine   We start today our tour departing to   Mausoleum nearby, the Landeszeughaus
          Art History Museum and Nature History   Eisenstadt, seat of the Esterhazy Family,   armoury and the Glockenspiel to the Mur
          Museum, Parliament, City Hall, Votiv   who was one of the wealthiest aristocratic   Island, a futurist view platform on the
          Church, St Charles Church, Musikverein   families in Central Europe and benefactor   river. Afternoon free to enjoy this pulsating
          which houses the Vienna Philharmonic   of many artists, like the classic music   city.
          Orchestra and the monument of Johann   composer Joseph Haydn, whom the
          Strauss, father of the Waltz. Visit of the   main ball room of the palace is dedicated   DAY 5 GRAZ – KLAGENFURT
          Gardens of Belvedere Palace.      to. We will visit the Esterhazy Palace and   – VELDEN AM WÖRTHERSEE
                                            will have free time to stroll around the   We continue our tour to the
          Afterwards we will continue our visit on a   main street.            Hochosterwitz Fortress. Built between
          walking tour through the old town, which   We head to the beautiful town of Rust, on   the 14th and 15th centuries on top of a
          will approach us to the St Stephan’s   the shores of Lake Neusiedl and famous   hill, the fortress’ main landmark are the
          Cathedral, Mozart Residence and the   for its storks’ nests, which old town was   14 walled gates which open up to the
          old Jewish Quartier. We will end the   declared World Heritage by UNESCO due   armoury yard.  We continue to Klagenfurt
          tour having a coffee break in a typical   to perfect balance between natural life   for a walking tour passing by its Italian
                                                                               palaces and cultural treasures such as
                                                                               the Coat of Arms Hall, the Carinthian
                                                                               Museum of Modern Art, the Klagenfurt
                                                                               City Theatre or the romantic Lendkanal,
                                                                 Vienna        which leads directly to Lake Wörther.
                                                                               There we will take a boat to cross to the
                                                                  Eisenstadt   opposite shore, disembarking in Velden
                                              AUSTRIA             Rust         am Wörthersee, the Austrian Riviera and
                                                                               meeting point of the country’s jet set.
                                    Grossglockner                              DAY 6 VELDEN AM WÖRTHERSEE
                             Lienz                        Graz                 – VILLACH – LIENZ
                                     Villach      Klagenfurt                   Our tour takes us to Villach, where we
                                          Velden am                            will enjoy free time to stroll through the
                                         Wörthersee                            old town, its squares, narrow streets

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