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Considered the birthplace of the   treasures not to be missed.       In the afternoon, departure to Vienna
          Renaissance, its treasures include the   We continue to Verona, the cradle of   passing through the area of the
          Galleria dei Uffizi, the Pitti Palace, the   lovers since William Shakespeare set his   Lakes and Mountains, known as
          Cathedral of Santa Maria dei Fiori and   masterpiece “Romeo and Juliet” here.   “Salzkammergut”.
          Piazza della Signora.             Visit Juliet’s balcony and the Arena, the    Arrival in Vienna and overnight.
          Afternoon at leisure and overnight.   magnificent Roman-era Theater that
                                            is still used for opera performances,   DAY 11 VIENNA
          DAY 5  FLORENCE - BOLOGNA         concerts, etc.                     Today we will go for a sightseeing tour in
          - RAVENNA - VENICE MESTRE         Arrival in Milan and overnight.    Vienna. Driving around the Ringstrasse
          After breakfast we continue our journey                              we will see the most outstanding
          to the educational center par excellence   DAY 8  MILAN - INNSBRUCK   buildings of the city, such as the
          of Italy, Bologna, home of the oldest   In the morning we will enjoy a panoramic   Opera House, the Hofburg or Winter
          university in the world, and Ravenna, with   tour of the city with the Duomo, the   Palace, the Museum of Fine Arts and
          eight buildings included in the UNESCO   imposing cathedral that took 6 centuries   its twin Museum of Natural History, the
          Heritage list for its magnificent mosaics of   to complete; the Vittorio Manuele   Parliament, the City Hall or the Votive
          Roman and Byzantine art.          Galleries; the Teatro Della Scala, one   Church, among others.
          In the afternoon we will arrive in Mestre,   of the great temples of opera and the   We will continue with a pleasant walking
          in the surroundings of Venice, to check in   Sforzesco Castle.       tour through the center that will take us
          our hotel.                        Afterwards, we will continue our tour to   to St. Stephen’s Cathedral, the narrow
                                            Innsbruck.                         streets of the Jewish quarter, the house
          DAY 6  MESTRE – VENICE – MESTRE   Arrival and overnight.             where Mozart lived or the Danube Canal,
          We start our day with a transfer to the                              an area of street artists.
          island of Venice to enjoy its romanticism   DAY 9  INNSBRUCK - SALZBURG   We will finish the visit with one of the
          with St. Mark’s Square and Cathedral, the   Breakfast and guided walking tour   most Viennese customs: having a coffee
          Doge’s Palace and the Bridge of Sighs,   through the center of this charming city   with a Sacher cake at one of popular
          the canals and its narrow streets.  in the Alps, whose streets combine the   coffee houses.
          Rest of the day at leisure before returning   Middle Ages with the 21st century.   Afternoon at leisure and overnight in
          to the hotel.                     Maria-Theresia Avenue with its Triumphal   Vienna.
                                            Arch and St. Anne’s Column lead you to
          DAY 7  MESTRE - PADUA - VERONA    the symbol of the city, the Golden Roof,   DAY 12  VIENNA
          - MILAN                           the Imperial Church and the Imperial   Breakfast at the hotel and at the agreed
          Today we will depart to Padua, cultural   Palace.                    time, transfer to the airport.
          center with the presence of the university   In the afternoon, departure to Salzburg.
          and residence of important artists such as   Arrival and overnight stay.   Package includes:
          Donatello, Mantegna and Titian, among                                • 11 nights accommodation including
          others. We will wonder the Basilica of St.   DAY 10  SALZBURG – VIENNA   buffet breakfast
          Anthony of Padua, in Gothic style and   In the morning we will visit the hometown   • Porterage service at the hotels
          which preserves the sarcophagus of the   of the musical genius Wolfgang Amadeus   • Transfers upon arrival and departure
          saint.                            Mozart, passing by the Mirabell Palace,   • English speaking tour director
          The Prato del Valle, a square in   the Mozarteum (the University of   • Deluxe coach
          Napoleonic style that stands out for its   Music), the Marionette Theater, Mozart’s   • Visits with licensed guides
          amplitude; the Palazzo della Ragione,   residence and the Church of the Holy   • Entrances as per the program
          the squares of the Herbs and the Fruits,   Trinity, the Music Festival Theaters, the   • A surprise invitation to a concert,
          the university and the cathedral are other   Getreidegasse and Hellbrunn Palace.   cultural event or excursion

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