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different eras; the Town Hall of the 15th   Charlemagne, becoming a center of   Lübeck. Schwerin is notable for the
          century; the market church Marktkirche,   Christianization of Western Europe.   Schweriner Palace, now the seat of the
          from the 14th century in Gothic style and   Its membership in the Hanseatic League,   regional parliament; the old town hall
          red brick and the Herrenhausen Gardens,   a commercial union of the main cities of   on the market square with a Tudor-style
          created in 1666.                  northern Europe, makes it an important   facade; the cathedral; the water tower
          In the afternoon we follow our tour to   center of culture and trade. Final point   and several churches, including St. Anna,
          Bremen. Arrival and accommodation.   of the route of German fairy tales, the   the first Catholic Church built after the
                                            highlights are the Town Hall and the figure   Reformation. Lübeck was included in
          DAY 7  BREMEN                     of Roland, both included in the UNESCO;   the UNESCO World Heritage List for its
          Today we will spend the day discovering   the statue of the Bremen Musicians; the   medieval historic center of Baltic Gothic
          the area of Oldenburg, Bremerhaven   streets “Bötcherstrasse” and “Schnoor”,   brick buildings, such as the Holsten
          and Cuxhaven, the large port area of   main streets of the historic center or the   Gate, the cathedral or St. Mary’s Church.
          northeastern Germany.             Bremen Cathedral.                  Return to Hamburg and rest of the day at
          Oldenburg is named for the first time in   In the afternoon, departure to Hamburg.   leisure.
          the 11th century, although its foundations   Arrival and accommodation.
          date back to the 7th and 8th centuries.                              DAY 11  HAMBURG
          From its old medieval layout still stand   DAY 9  HAMBURG            Breakfast at the hotel and at the
          out today the Degode House, a patrician   In the morning we will discover the city on   appointed time, transfer to Hamburg
          house from the Middle Ages; the   a panoramic tour. It is the second most   Airport.
          Gertrudenkirchhof Church, the harbor   populated city in Germany after Berlin
          promenade, the Cecilia Bridge and the   and its port is also the second most   Package includes:
          neo-Gothic and neo-Renaissance Old   important in Europe after Rotterdam.   • 10 nights accommodation including
          Town Hall, among others.          The city is built around the artificial lakes   buffet breakfast
          Bremerhaven was built in the first half of   “Binnenalster” and “Außeralster” from the   • Porterage service at the hotels
          the 19th century, with parallel and straight   river Alster that crosses the city, forming   • Transfers upon arrival and departure
          streets, with the intention of serving as an   a network of canals crossed by more   • English speaking tour director
          entrance for large ships. It is one of the   than 2300 bridges. Its main highlights are   • Deluxe coach
          most important fishing ports in Europe as   the avenues surrounding the lakes, with   • Visits with licensed guides
          well as one of the main shipyards for the   elegant buildings; the neo-Renaissance   • Entrances as per the program
          construction of ships.            town hall; the Chile House, a stone-  • A surprise invitation to a concert,
          Cuxhaven is one of the main fishing ports   brick office building built in 1922 in the   cultural event or excursion
          of the country as well as a tourist center   shape of an ocean liner; and the Elbe
          of spas and sun and beach. Its symbol is   Philharmonic, built on the remains of
          the “Kugelbake”, a wooden construction   the harbour’s largest warehouse and
          located in the water that marks the   whose glass façade resembles the
          division between the mouth of the Elbe   waves of the sea. It houses up to 2.200
          River and the North Sea.          seats for spectators, a hotel, restaurants
          Return to Bremen and overnight stay.   and private homes.   Afternoon free for
                                            individual tours.
          DAY 8  BREMEN – HAMBURG
          After the breakfast, we will go for a   DAY 10  HAMBURG – SCHWERIN
          panoramic tour of Bremen, founded as a   – LÜBECK – HAMBURG
          bishopric in the 8th century by Emperor   Full day excursion to Schwerin and

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