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          (Frankfurt - Heidelberg - Strassburg - Friburg - Lucerne - Munich)

          DAY 1  FRANKFURT                  Upon arrival in Rüdesheim, we will enjoy   with a medieval historic center of narrow
          Arrival at the Airport of Frankfurt and   free time strolling through its medieval   streets dominated by the ruins of the
          transfer to the hotel             streets and tasting its wines. Afterwards   castle. Visit of the castle including the
                                            we will continue our tour to Heidelberg,   funicular return trip.
          DAY 2  FRANKFURT – ST GOAR        one of German historical cities.   We continue our tour to Strassburg, in
          – RÜDESHEIM – HEIDELBERG          Accommodation.                     France. Arrival and accommodation.
          After breakfast we will depart to St Goar,
          on the shores of the Rhine River and   DAY 3  HEIDELBERG – STRASSBURG   DAY 4  STRASSBURG – COLMAR
          where we will embark on a boat trip to   In the morning we will go on a half-day   – FREIBURG
          Rüdesheim while admiring the Rhine   visit of the city, home to one of the main   Today we will discover Alsace, a
          Valley, with its castles and wine terraces.   and oldest universities in the country,   historical region disputed by France and
                                                                               Germany. Capital of the area, the historic
                                                                               center of Strassburg became part of the
                                                                               UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1988,
                                                                               which is limited in the “Grande Ile” (large
                                                                               island), on the shores of the river Ill. Its
                                                                               main sightseeing include the Cathedral,
                                                                               made of sandstone and example of the
                                                                               Gothic ornaments of the 15th century;
                                                                               the buildings with black and white
                                                                               wooden facades typical of the Rhineland
                                                                               area; the old Town Hall of German
                                                  GERMANY                      Renaissance style; and the district of the
                                                                               “Petite-France”, around the river Ill and
                                                                               the cathedral, composed of lively streets
                                                                               and squares.
                                             Frankfurt                         We leave for Colmar, the wine capital of
                                 St. Goar                                      Alsace. Its historic center is a network of
                                 Rüdesheim                                     streets with medieval and Renaissance
                                                                               style buildings, of which the Koifhus
                                                                               House and the Maison Pfister are the
                                                  Heidelberg                   main highlights. Free time to discover
                              Estrassburg                                      the city and its wines with a visit to some
                                                                               wineries in the area, with tasting.
                                 Colmar        Lago Titisee                    Continuation of the trip to Germany, this
                 FRANCE             Freiburg                                   time crossing the Black Forest area.
                                             Schaffhausen                      Arrival in Freiburg and accommodation.
                                Basilea                Munich
                                   Lucerne   Zurich                            DAY 5 FREIBURG – TITISEE LAKE
                                                                               – BASEL – LUCERNE
                                 SWITZERLAND                                   We leave the hotel for a visit of Freiburg,
                                                                               whose historic center is divided by
                                                                               small water channels, popularly called
                                                                               “Bächle” (stream in German) and in

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