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DAY 7  SKOPJE - STOBI - THESSALONIKI   DAY 9  THESSALONIKI – PHILIPI   the visit of the Topkapi Palace or the
          City tour including the Kale Fortress, St.   – KAVALA – ALEXANDROPOLIS   Dolmabahce Palace.
          Savior’s Church with its icons carved in   We follow in the footsteps of the great   Overnight stay.
          walnut wood, Stone Bridge and the old   Greek empire visiting the archaeological
          Bazaar.                           ruins of Philipi, founded by King Philip II of   DAY 12  ISTANBUL
          Then departure to Stobi, south of   Macedonia. Archaeological excavations   Breakfast and at the agreed time, transfer
          Macedonia and bordering Greece, to visit   have brought to light the remains of the   to the airport.
          the archaeological site of Heraclea.   theater, forum, 2 basilicas, baths and part
          Arrival in Thessaloniki and overnight.   of the walls. After the IIWW, the episcopal   Package includes:
                                            quarter of the Octagon and 3 more   • 11 nights accommodation including
          DAY 8  THESSALONIKI               basilicas, two of them in the necropolis,   buffet breakfast
          Visit of the second largest city in Greece.   were discovered.       • Porterage service at the hotels
          Its artistic and cultural heritage ranges   Continuation to Kavala, the main port   • Transfers upon arrival and departure
          from early Christian and Byzantine   of the Macedonian and Thracian area,   • English speaking tour director
          monuments to Orthodox monasteries   which makes it a strategic point of trade   • Deluxe coach
          of the fourteenth century. Among the   relations. Founded by settlers from the   • Visits with licensed guides
          highlights are the Greek-style Arch and   island of Thasos, it was occupied by the   • Entrances as per the program
          Rotunda of Galerius; the Roman Forum;   Romans and the Ottoman Empire from   • A surprise invitation to a concert,
          the churches of St. Dimitrios and St.   1371 to 1912. The aqueduct of Suleiman   cultural event or excursion
          Sophia, from the 7th – 8th centuries   the Magnificent and the birthplace of
          respectively and both decorated with   Mehmet Ali, Pasha of Egypt in 1805,
          beautiful mosaics; the 14th century   remain from this period.
          Orthodox Vlatadon Monastery, still active   Arrival in Alexandropolis and overnight.
          today; and Ottoman buildings such as the
          Alaca Imaret and Hamza Bey Mosques   DAY 10  ALEXANDROPOLIS - ISTANBUL
          and the Pasha Hamam baths, among   Departure after breakfast for Turkey.
          others.                           Arrival in Istanbul and visit of this exciting
          Afterwards we will go on an excursion to   city, meeting point of the West and the
          Pella, hometown of Emperor Alexander   East. Let yourself be carried away by
          the Great and capital of ancient Greece   history through Hagia Sophia, Catholic
          under his rule.                   cathedral during the rule of the Byzantine
          Today you can visit the archaeological   Emperor Justinian I; the Blue Mosque,
          remains of the Agora (square), the   designed with 6 minarets and a striking
          Acropolis, some “insulae”, as they   tiled interior; the Grand Bazaar and
          were known at the time the blocks of   the Spice Bazaar; the Sinan Mosque,
          apartments.                       decorated with tiles; the subway cistern
          The most interesting findings are the   used as a basilica and of course, the
          mosaics made with colored stones that   Topkapi Palace.
          would lay the foundations of later mosaic   Overnight stay.
          Return to Thessaloniki and rest of the day   DAY 11  ISTANBUL
          at leisure.                       Breakfast and free day for personal
          Overnight in Thessaloniki.        activities or any of the optional activities,
                                            such as a boat trip on the Bosphorus,

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