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          (Bucharest - Veliko Tarnovo – Plovdiv - Sofia - Belogradchik - Sibiu - Brasov - Bucharest)

          DAY 1  BUCHAREST                  in Bulgaria, with a stop in Ruse for border   Afterwards we drive to Kazanlak in the
          Arrival in Bucharest and transfer to the   formalities. Overnight stay.   Valley of Roses to visit the Thracian
          hotel. Accommodation.                                                Tomb from the 4th century BC. A unique
                                            DAY 3  VELIKO TARNOVO - KAZANLAK   monument of this period and a UNESCO
          DAY 2  BUCHAREST – RUSE – VELIKO   - PLOVDIV                         World Heritage Site, it is part of an
          TARNOVO                           Visit of the ancient historical capital of   important necropolis of the Thracian
          Breakfast and panoramic tour of the   Bulgaria, starting at the Tsarevets fortress,   period, where more than 1000 tombs of
          city during which we will admire the   located on the hill of the same name, and   kings and aristocratic members of the
          Parliament, the second largest building in   seat of the royal and patriarchal palace.   Thracian society can be found. The tomb
          the city with more than 1000 rooms and   The complex consists of 3.6m high walls   consists of a narrow corridor and a round
          one of the best examples of communist   and three gates, the Royal Palace, the   burial chamber, decorated with frescoes
          architecture; the Patriarchate, seat of   Patriarchate, the Baldwin Tower and the   depicting various moments of life.
          the head of the Orthodox Church; the   Asenova Gate.                 Arrival in Plovdiv and overnight.
          Romanian Athenaeum, considered a   We then return to the centre of Veliko
          symbol of Romanian culture; the National   Tarnovo where we will have a short walk   DAY 4  PLOVDIV - DOBARSKO - RILA
          Museum of Art; the Arc de Triomphe, built   to discover the House of the Monkey,   - SOFIA
          in 1935 in the image and likeness of the   the Church of Saints Kirill and Methodil,   Departure to Dobarsko, where the most
          Parisian Arc, among other monuments.    the Samovodska Charshiya Bazaar   interesting frescoes of the country can
          Afterwards, departure to Veliko Tarnovo,   and the Sarfkina House, among others.    be found. The frescoes of the Church of
                                                                               Theodore Tyro and Theodore Stratelates,
                                                                               from the beginning of the 17th century,
                                                                               present the main donors (Bogdan, Hasiya
                                                                               and his son) as well as the builders Spas,
                           ROMANIA                                             Stanko and Smilen and Jesus. The
                                 Sighisoara                                    19th century frescoes in the Church of
                                                                               the Purification of the Virgin depict the
                       Sibiu                                                   Bulgarian National Awakening, the period
                                      Brasov                                   of economic and cultural development of
                                Bran                                           the Bulgarian nation under the rule of the
                                Peles                                          Ottoman Empire.
                     Cozia              Sinaia                                 We continue our journey to the Rila
                                                                               Monastery. Founded in the first half of the
                                                                               10th century, the Rila Monastery became
                                                                               the main spiritual, educational and cultural
                           Craiova        Ruse                                 centre of the country. Arrival in Sofia and
          Belogradchick                    Veliko Tarnovo
                            BULGARIA                                           DAY 5  SOFIA – BELOGRADCHICK
                                                                               Breakfast and panoramic city tour
                   Sofia               Kazanlak                                including the city walls, churches and

                       Rila       Plovdiv                                      ancient streets built during the Byzantine
                                                                               era. Today the center of Sofia is a
                                                                               combination of Western styles such as
                                                                               Neo-Rococo, Neo-Renaissance and
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