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          (Dubrovnik - Mostar - Split - Plitvice - Zagreb - Ljubljana - Venice - Mestre)

          DAY 1  DUBROVNIK                  known as the “Pearl of the Adriatic”,   DAY 3  DUBROVNIK – KOTOR
          Arrival at the airport and meeting with our   offering a variety of attractions. Our   – BUDVA – DUBROVNIK
          guide and transfer to the hotel. Overnight   walking tour will take us past the Rector’s   Breakfast and departure to Kotor, a city
          in Dubrovnik                      Palace, the Franciscan monastery with   of exceptional universal value for the
                                            its imposing church; the extensive   quality of its architecture. We will visit
          DAY 2  DUBROVNIK                  Dominican monastery; the customs   the old town and the cathedral of St.
          We start our day with a city tour around   house (Sponza) and other Baroque   Tryphon. Continuation to Budva. On a
          the charming medieval city of Dubrovnik,   palaces.                  walking tour through the old town we will
          a UNESCO World Heritage Site, also                                   admire its Venetian architecture and its
                                                                               churches, such as those dedicated to St.
                                                                               Ivan, St. Mary and the Holy Trinity. Late
                                                                               afternoon we drive back to Dubrovnik.

                                   Bled  SLOVENIA                              DAY 4  DUBROVNIK – MOSTAR
                                                                               We continue our tour heading to Mostar.
                               Ljubljana            Zagreb                     After lunch, we will start the walking tour
             Venice Mestre   Trieste                                           of the old town, during which we will
                   Venice                             CROATIA                  see the Bishop’s building, the Turkish
                                                                               public bath (Hamman), the clock tower,
                                                Plitvice BOSNIA &              the Karadjoz-Beg mosque, the Ottoman
                                                    HERZEGOVINA                residences, the Crooked bridge and the
                                                            Sarajevo           Tara and Halebija towers. Overnight in
                  ITALY                                                        Mostar
                                          Trogrir        Mostar                DAY 5  MOSTAR-SARAJEVO-MOSTAR
                                                Split                          Today we depart to Sarajevo. Arrival
                                                              MONTENEGRO       and visit of the old town, which houses
                                                 Dubrovnik                     the most important religious sites of the
                                                          Kotor                city, such as the Old Orthodox Church
                                                            Budva              of Sarajevo, the Cathedral of the Sacred
                                                                               Heart and the Gazi Husrev-beg Mosque.
                                                                               Visit of the Tunnel of Life. Free afternoon
                                                                               in Sarajevo. Return to Mostar.

                                                                               DAY 6  MOSTAR – SPLIT
                                                                               Departure to Split. During the panoramic
                                                                               tour of the city we explore the Diocletian’s
                                                                               Palace, a UNESCO World Heritage Site,
                                                                               with its peristyle, the Temple of Jupiter
                                                                               and the Cathedral. The walking tour will
                                                                               feature the highlights of the city, including

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