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           (Kruja - Kotor - Mostar - Sarajevo - Shkodra - Prizren - Skopje - Ohrid - Tirana)

          DAY 1  TIRANA – KRUJA – DURRES    the defense walls and the Venetian tower.   Pila Gate, the Great Onofrio Fountain,
          Arrival at Tirana airport, meeting with   Then we move to the city of Shkoder.   the Rector’s Palace, the Franciscan
          our guide and departure to Kruja. Upon   Upon arrival, we will visit the city including   monastery and the Stradun Promenade.
          arrival, we will visit the Ottoman bazaar,   the Rozafa fortress, while on a walk   In the afternoon we will drive to the city
          the medieval fortress, the Skanderbeg   through the city we will see the Catholic   of Mostar. During the guided tour we will
          History Museum - dedicated to the   cathedral and the lead mosque. We   see the old bridge, the Tara and Halebija
          national hero - and the Ethnographic   continue the journey to Montenegro,   towers, the Turkish bath (hammam), the
          Museum, both located inside the fortress.   where we will visit the city of Kotor   clock tower, the Metropolitan Palace,
          Then transfer to Durres for dinner and   including the Cathedral of St. Tryphon,   the Karadjoz-Beg Mosque and the old
          overnight.                        the fortress of St. Ivan, the city gates and   market. Dinner and overnight in Mostar.
                                            the Pima and Drago Palaces. Continue to
          DAY 2 DURRES - SHKODER - KOTOR    Budva for dinner and overnight.    DAY 4 MOSTAR - SARAJEVO
          - BUDVA                                                              We continue our tour to Sarajevo.
          In the morning, visit of the city of   DAY 3 BUDVA - DUBROVNIK - MOSTAR   Upon arrival we will enjoy a full day
          Durres, the largest port in Albania. We   After breakfast we depart to Dubrovnik,   tour, during which we will see the town
          will discover the ruins of the Roman   where we will visit the old city. On a   hall, the old Bazaar, the old locksmiths
          amphitheater, the Byzantine city forum,   walk through the center we will see the   market, the Orthodox Church, the Roman
                                                                               cathedral, the Latin bridge and the war
                                                                               tunnel museum.
                                                                               Dinner and overnight in Sarajevo.

                                                                               DAY 5 SARAJEVO - OSTROG
                          CROATIA                                              - SHKODER
                                                                               Today we leave for Montenegro, passing
                                                                               the border in Hum and enjoying the
                              BOSNIA                                           panoramic views from the mountain road.
                          & HERZEGOVINA                                        In the afternoon we visit Podgorica to
                                                                               see the Millennium Bridge, St. George’s
                            Sarajevo                                           Church and the old town. Continue to
                                                                               Shkoder in Albania, crossing the border
                           Mostar                                              at Han i Hotit. Dinner and overnight.

                         Dubrovnik       Ostrog  KOSOVO                        DAY 6 SHKODER - LAKE KOMAN
                                                                               - PRIZREN
                                  Kotor            Prizren                     We continue our tour to Prizren. In the
                                  Budva     Koman                              morning we will visit the Koman Dam,
                                    Shkoder            Skopje                  where we will enjoy a 3-hour ferry ride on
                                       Kruja             NORTH                 the Koman Lake, from which we will see
                                    Durres             MACEDONIA               breathtaking panoramic views of the Drini
                                                    Ohrid                      River valley, with waterfalls, canyons and
                                                                               incredible rock formations. We follow the
                                                                               road to Prizren. On a walking tour through
                                                                               the old town we can admire its Ottoman
                                                                               bridge, water fountain, unique mosques

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