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Arrival in Bucharest and visit of the open-  World Heritage List, its historic center has   Cathedral; the National Theater and the
          air Village Museum to discover the rural   managed to preserve its fortified medieval   Opera House and numerous civil palaces.
          architecture of the traditional houses of   layout, in which the Citadel, the Clock   Free afternoon and overnight.
          the country.                      Tower and the cemetery stand out.
          Afterwards, panoramic tour of the   Short visit on arrival with free time to   DAY 12  TIMISOARA - NOVI SAD
          city during which we will admire the   enjoy the city on your own and then   - BELGRADE
          Parliament, the second largest building in   transfer to Sibiu.      We arrive in Serbia entering through Novi
          the city with more than 1000 rooms and   Upon arrival, visit of what is probably   Sad, which means “new town”. Founded
          one of the best examples of communist   the most beautiful city in the country.   in the middle Ages, it is now a university
          architecture; the Patriarchate, seat of   Founded in the 12th century by the   town, which gives it life and a young
          the head of the Orthodox Church; the   German Saxons, much of its architecture   population.
          Romanian Athenaeum, considered a   is of German influence. Its historic center,   Highlights include the Petrovaradin
          symbol of Romanian culture; the National   included in the UNESCO World Heritage   Fortress, the Town Hall, the Church
          Museum of Art; the Arc de Triomphe, built   List, consists of the Lower Town, with   of St. Mary and the Liberty Bridge.
          in 1935 in the image and likeness of the   long, wide streets and rustic-style   Continuation to Belgrade, capital of
          Parisian Arc, among other monuments.   architecture with double-storey houses   Serbia.
          Lodging.                          and the oldest church in the city; and   Arrival and accommodation.
                                            the Upper Town, grown around the Big
          DAY 8  BUCHAREST                  Square where main buildings such as the   DAY 13  BELGRADE
          Free day at leisure.              Bruckenthal Palace, the Jesuit Church   In the morning we will visit Belgrade,
                                            and the Council Tower are located.   capital of Serbia, a bohemian city with a
          DAY 9 BUCHAREST – SINAIA – PELES    The Small Square closes the Upper Town   life almost 24 hours a day, where we can
          – BRAN – BRASOV                   with a network of narrow and small alleys,   enjoy its stores, restaurants and party
          Breakfast and departure to Sinaia,   among which stand out the Liar’s Bridge   places. We will visit the historical center
          where we will visit the Sinaia Monastery,   and the Holy Trinity Cathedral.   where we will find the Royal Palace, the
          founded in the 17th  century by Prince   Finally there is the Huet Square, whose   Parliament, the Republic Square, the
          Mihail Cantacuzino in honor of the   main attraction is the Evangelical   Orthodox Church, the National Theater
          monastery of St. Catherine of Mount   Lutheran Cathedral, Gothic style buildings   and the Kalemegdan Fortress, as well as
          Sinai (Egypt); and Peles Castle, built   and the Alley of Stairs, which leads to the   the confluence of the Danube and Sava
          between 1873 and 1917 and former   Lower Town. Rest of the day at leisure   rivers. Free afternoon.
          summer residence of the Romanian royal   and overnight.              Overnight at the hotel.
          Continuation to Bran, where is located   DAY 11  SIBIU - TIMISOARA   DAY 14  BELGRADE
          the most famous castle in Romania for   Departure in the morning to Timisoara,   Breakfast at the hotel and at the agreed
          being the setting of the novel “Dracula”   a multicultural city with the presence   time, transfer to the airport..
          by Bram Stoker. The novel is based on   of German, Hungarian, Serbian, Italian,
          the real character of Prince Vlad III, who   Jewish and Greek minorities. The historic   Package includes:
          fought against the Ottoman Empire and   center recalls its past as part of the   • 13 nights accommodation including
          was famous for his cruelty in punishing   Austro-Hungarian Empire with yellow   buffet breakfast
          his enemies. Arrival in Brasov and   buildings like the Schönbrunn Palace   • Porterage service at the hotels
          accommodation.                    in Vienna. The center is spread across   • Transfers upon arrival and departure
                                            several squares, with Victoriei, Unirii   • English speaking tour director
          DAY 10  BRASOV - SIGHISOARA       and Libertatii squares being the most   • Deluxe coach
          - SIBIU                           prominent. Here you will find the main   • Visits with licensed guides
          Continuation of the tour to Sighisoara,   symbols of the city such as the old Town   • Entrances as per the program
          located in the Transylvanian Carpathian   Hall from the 18th century; the Catholic   • A surprise invitation to a concert,
          Mountains. Included in the UNESCO   Cathedral and the Serbo-Orthodox   cultural event or excursion

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