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being a leading global city and among  Continue of the tour entering Austria.  Afternoon free at leisure.
          the world’s largest financial centers. Enjoy  Cross the main Alpine part of the country
          a stroll through the city discovering its  with towns as Bludenz and St Anton  DAY 13 – SALZBURG
          main sightseeing as the Dolder vantage  am Arlberg. Arrival in Innsbruck and  – SALZKAMMERGUT – VIENNA
          point, the “Bahnhofstrasse”, the Opera  accommodation.               Breakfast buffet at the hotel and
          House, the lake, the Kunsthaus and the                               departure to the Lakes and Mountain
          Zürichberg, among other landmarks.  DAY 11 – INNSBRUCK – WATTENS     area, known as Salzkammergut.
          In the afternoon, we suggest an excursion  – KITZBÜHEL – SALZBURG    Our first stop will be Hallstatt.
          to Schaffhausen to visit the Rhine Water  Breakfast buffet and city tour of  The picturesque village on the lake with
          falls. Accommodation in Zürich.   Innsbruck. The middle Ages meet the  the same name owes its existence to the
                                            21st century and charming little alleys  rich salt deposit of salt in the mountain of
          DAY 9 – ZÜRICH – LUCERNE          meet the broad promenade of Maria-  Hallstatt.
          – ZÜRICH                          Theresien-Straße. The Golden Roof, the  Among the most beautiful places of
          Breakfast buffet. Today we go on a full  Hofkirche, traditional inns and the Imperial  interest are the oldest salt mine in the
          day excursion to Lucerne, located in  Palace bring history to life.  world and the ossuary in Hallstatt, a
          Central Switzerland. Follow the guide on  Afterwards departure to Wattens, to  romantic boat ride on Lake Hallstatt, a
          a walking tour through the city and visit  visit the Swarovski Crystal World –  trip to the breathtaking cave world in
          the Chapel Bridge, built back on 14th  Opened on 1995 to mark the centennial  Obertraun and a visit to the Lake Gosau
          Century, with its octagonal Water tower,  anniversary of the company’s founding.  with the mighty Dachstein glacier.
          the Jesuit Church and the Culture and  In the Chambers of Wonder at Swarovski  After its visit we head to St Wolfgang.
          Convention Centre Lucern.         Crystal Worlds, internationally and  Enjoy a walk around this picturesque
          We will learn about its history and the  nationally recognized artists, designers,  town where St Wolfgang erected the first
          day-by-day life of its citizens while  and architects have interpreted crystal  church at the shore of the lake after he
          discovering hidden streets, town squares  in their own unique ways. They create  withdrew to the nearby Mondsee Abbey
          plenty of activities and life and the crown  concepts of space and experience from  in 976.
          of the city, the Musegg Wall. It is a part  the sparkling material.  Continue of the trip to Vienna. Arrival and
          of the historical walls that protected  Continue to one of the most famous  accommodation.
          Lucerne, crowned by 9 towers.     towns in the region of Tyrol, Kitzbühel.
          Free time for lunch, shopping or a boat  The city’s heart beats loud and strong.  DAY 14 – VIENNA
          ride on the Lucerne Lake before returning  Kitzbühel, the sports capital in the heart  Breakfast buffet at the hotel and
          to Zürich.                        of the Alps, combines tradition and  panoramic tour in the city, that begins
                                            lifestyle as charming as any other city.  with a drive along the Ringstrasse,
          DAY 10 – ZÜRICH – VADUZ           The city is famous not only the unique  Vienna’s main boulevard, passing the
          – INNSBRUCK                       charm, but also the energy of the city as  Hofburg Palace, the Opera House, the
          After breakfast, departure through the  well as the sporty top hotel industry and  monument of Empress Maria Theresia
          Swiss Alps to Liechtenstein, the small  catering alike and makes Kitzbühel the  located between the twin museums –
          country bordering 2 states, Switzerland  celebrity hot spot in the Alps.  Fine Art History Museum and Nature
          and Austria.                      Arrival in Salzburg and accommodation.  History Museum, Parliament, City
          The most prominent landmark of Vaduz is                              Hall, Votiv Church, St Charles Church,
          its castle, the home of the reigning prince  DAY 12 – SALZBURG       Musikverein which houses the Vienna
          of Liechtenstein and the Liechtenstein  Breakfast buffet at the hotel and  Philharmonic Orchestra and the
          princely family. The castle is visible from  panoramic city tour to discover Mozart’s  monument of Johann Strauss, father of
          almost any location in Vaduz, being  hometown, passing by Mirabell Palace,  the Waltz.
          perched atop a steep hill in the middle  Mozarteum ( the music university ),  Visit of the Gardens of Belvedere Palace.
          of the city. The Cathedral of St. Florin,  Marionette Theater, Mozart’s Residence,  Afternoon free at leisure.
          Government House and City Hall are also  Trinity Church, Hellbrunn Palace (only
          well-known landmarks, displaying the  outside), Nonnberg Abbey, Festival Halls,  DAY 15 – VIENNA
          various styles and periods of architecture  Horse Bath, Getreidegasse and Mozart  After breakfast transfer to the airport at
          that the city is known for.       Square.                            the appointed time.

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