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          (Vienna - Bad Ischl - Salzburg - Munich)

          DAY 1 VIENNA                      We will finish the visit in a typical Viennese  Heiligenkreuz Abbey, founded in 1133
          Arrival in Vienna and meeting with the  café enjoying a coffee and the famous  by Leopold III for the Cistercian order
          guide. Transfer to the hotel and check in.  Sacher Cake.             and the second oldest in the world to be
          In the evening, we will enjoy a welcome                              uninterruptedly occupied.
          dinner at a local restaurant in the city,  DAY 3 VIENNA              Sissi’s life was portrayed in three films
          “Wiener Rathauskeller” or similar, where  Today we continue our visit following in  starring the Viennese actress Romy
          we will enjoy a typical Viennese menu.  the footsteps of Sissi in Vienna.   Schneider. One of the scenes was filmed
                                            It will take us to Schönbrunn Palace, the   at Heiligenkreuz Abbey, namely the
          DIA 2 VIENNA                      summer residence of the imperial family,   meeting of Sissi with her mother Ludovica
          In the morning we will discover the city on  and the Carriage Museum, where we can   and her sister Nene with Archduchess
          a panoramic tour around the Ringstrasse,  see the wedding carriage, among others.  Sofia.
          Vienna’s main boulevard, passing the  On the way back to the city we will visit  Our next stop will be Mayerling, to visit
          Hofburg Palace, the State Opera, the  the Capuchin Church, in whose crypt  the Carmelite convent, formerly the
          twin museums of Fine Arts and History of  she is buried together with her husband,  hunting lodge of the imperial family and
          Natural Sciences, the Parliament and the  Emperor Franz Joseph and her son  where sadly Crown Prince Rudolf took his
          City Hall, the Votive Church, St. Charles  Rudolf.                   life with his mistress Mary Vetsera.
          Church, the Musikverein where the New  Free afternoon.               Continue to Dürnstein, located on
          Year’s Concert is broadcast and the  In the evening, we will enjoy a Viennese   the banks of the Danube River and
          monument to Johann Strauss, father of  evening at a concert with the most   surrounded by vineyards and historical
          the waltz. Then we will visit the Hofburg,  famous musical pieces by Mozart and   cultural monuments. We will have free
          the winter palace of the imperial family  Strauss, two of the city’s bestknown   time to stroll through the narrow streets of
          that also houses the Sissi Museum,  residents.                       this charming town before continuing on
          which displays personal items of the                                 to Melk, where we will visit the impressive
          empress.                          DAY 4 VIENNA – VIENNA WOODS        Benedictine Abbey, the finest example of
          On the way out we will visit the  – DANUBE’S VALLEY – BAD ISCHL      Baroque architecture in Austria.
          Augustinian Church, where the wedding  We start the tour heading to the  The landscape of the Danube Valley is
          took place.                       Vienna Woods, where we will visit the  also present in the life of the imperial
                                                                               family and Sissi, where they used to go in
                                                                               summer, as well as being the setting for
                    GERMANY                                                    the aforementioned films.
                                                                               We will continue the journey to Bad Ischl,
                          Munich                                               in the heart of the Lake and Mountain
                                                  Danube’s Valley              District, known under the name of
              Starnberger See                                    Vienna        DAY 5 BAD ISCHL – HALLSTATT/
                                               Bad Ischl                       SALZKAMMERGUT – SALZBURG
                                      Salzburg  Hallstatt                      Today we will follow in the footsteps
                                                                               of the imperial family by visiting
                                                                               the Kaiservilla, the wedding gift of
                                                AUSTRIA                        Archduchess Sophie to her son, Emperor
                                                                               Franz Joseph, at his wedding to Princess
                                                                               Elisabeth of Bavaria, better known as
                                                                               Empress Sissi.
                                                                               It was in Bad Ischl that Franz Joseph

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