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          (Vienna - Hainburg - Kittsee - Eisenstadt - Graz-St. Pölten - Korneuburg - Vienna)

          DAY 1 VIENNA                      Resistance during World War II.    the protection of the Esterhazy family.
          Arrival in Vienna and meeting with the  We will end the visit with a panoramic  Still today you can visit the old Jewish
          guide. Transfer to the hotel and check in.  bus tour around the Ringstrasse,  cemetery, dating from the 18th century,
          In the evening, we will enjoy a welcome  Vienna’s main boulevard, passing by St.  where about 230 graves remain, and the
          dinner at a local Jewish restaurant, such  Charles Church, the State Opera, the  synagogue from the 17th century.
          as “Alef Alef” or “Bahur Tov”, where we  Hofburg, the twin museums of Fine Arts  Our next stop will be Eisenstadt,
          can discover the secrets of this cuisine.  and History of Natural Sciences, the  capital of the province of Burgenland.
                                            Parliament and the Town Hall and the  Accommodation.
          DAY 2 JEWISH VIENNA               Votive Church until we reach the Museum
          On today’s tour we will discover the past,  of Sigmund Freud, Jewish psychoanalyst  DAY 4 EISENSTADT –  7 MUNICIPALITIES
          present and future of the established  who went into exile in London due to the  TOUR – EISENSTADT
          Jewish community in Vienna. Our walking  spread of anti-Semitism in Austria. Visit of  We start the day with a visit to the city of
          tour starts in the historic center to visit  the museum. Free afternoon.  Eisenstadt, stronghold of the Esterhazy
          the “Stadttempel” Synagogue, opened in                               family, one of the richest aristocratic
          1826. At the time of its construction, only  DAY 3 VIENNA – HAINBURG an der  families in Central Europe in past
          Catholic churches could be seen from the  DONAU – KITTSEE – EISENSTADT  centuries, patrons of artists and protectors
          street, so this synagogue was included in  We leave towards the east of Austria  of the Jewish community. We will visit the
          a residential building, thus saving it from  until we reach the town of Hainburg an  Austrian Jewish Museum, founded in
          the burning of synagogues in November  der Donau, on the banks of the Danube  1972 as the first Jewish museum in
          1938.                             River. In a guided walking tour we will see  Austria after World War II. It is located
          Then we will go to the Judenplatz (Jewish  this medieval town, which still retains its  in the 18th century Wertheimer House,
          Square), where we will see the monument  walls and the medieval synagogue of the  whose head of the family was the chief
          to the Concentration Camps and the  fourteenth century.              rabbi of Hungary.
          Jewish Museum, which explains Judaism  We continue our tour to Kittsee, one  Inside was also built a private synagogue,
          in Vienna since the Middle Ages, until  of the 7 municipalities of the province  a part of which can be seen integrated
          we reach the Old Town Hall, where we  of Burgenland in which from 1670 the  into the museum. We will also visit the Old
          can see an exhibition on the Austrian  Jewish communities could settle under  and New Jewish Cemetery and finish the
                                                                               visit with a walk through the historic center
                                                                               to see other monuments such as the
                                                                               Esterhazy Palace, St. Martin’s Cathedral,
                                                                               the Martin’s Manor House or the Plague
                                                 Danube’s        Korneuburg    Column, among others.
                                                  Valley                       Then we will visit the other municipalities
                               Mauthausen                         Vienna       in which Jewish communities could
                                               Saint Pölten         Hainbur an   be established from 1670 onwards,
                                                        Baden       der Donau  such as Frauenkirchen, Deutschkreutz
                                                                     Kittsee   and Lackenbach, in which only the
                                                                Eisenstadt     cemeteries have been preserved until
                       AUSTRIA                                                 today; Kobersdorf, where we will visit the
                                                                               old synagogue and the castle from 1528,
                                                                               bought by the Esterhazy family in 1704;
                                                                               and finally, Mattersburg, in which only the
                                                    Graz                       cemetery has been preserved.
                                                                               Return to Eisenstadt and rest of the day
                                                                               at leisure. DAY 5 EISENSTADT – GRAZ

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