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We depart south to Graz, capital of the  we will arrive in the Danube Valley where  the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
          province of Styria. Upon arrival, we will  we will stay overnight.   We will visit the synagogue, reopened
          visit the Jewish Center, where we will                               in 2005 after its reconstruction, and the
          be informed about the old synagogue  DAY 7 DANUBE’S VALLEY – ST PÖLTEN   cemetery dating from 1873 and declared
          and the Jewish cemetery while we are  – BADEN – KORNEUBURG – VIENNA  a monument.
          accompanied on a guided tour of the city.  We continue our tour to St. Pölten, capital  Our last stop before returning to Vienna
          Then we will take the funicular to the  of the province of Lower Austria and one  will be in Korneuburg, in the north of the
          Schlossberg hill, where we can see the  of the oldest cities in the country. On  city, where the ruins of the 14th century
          Clock Tower - symbol of Graz - and the  arrival we will visit the Old Synagogue,  synagogue are preserved and for which
          best views over the historic center.  built with art nouveau style and it currently  there are projects to restore it since 1999.
          Rest of the day at leisure to stroll around  houses the Institute of Jewish History in  We will have free time to stroll around this
          the Mur Island, the inner courtyard of the  Austria, and in which we will hear about  beautiful town, whose treasures include
          Landeszeughaus or the cathedral.  the Jewish tradition and history in the  the Church of the Augustinians, the City
                                            country and specifically in the city.  Tower or the Town Hall of 1805.
          DAY 6 GRAZ – MAUTHAUSEN           After a brief walk through the historic  Arrival in Vienna and accommodation. In
          – DANUBE’S VALLEY                 center, where we will see the baroque  the evening we will enjoy a farewell dinner
          Today we will go to the Mauthausen  cathedral of the Ascension of Mary, the  in one of the trendy bars in Vienna’s 2nd
          concentration camp, near Linz. In  Franciscan church of rococo facade,  district, where the Jewish community is
          operation from August 1938 until its  the Town Hall or the Pharmacy “Zum  currently settled.
          liberation by American troops in May  Goldenen Löwe” (The Golden Lion),
          1945, it held about 200,000 prisoners.  among other monuments, we will go to  DAY 8 VIENNA
          We continue to Linz, where we will enjoy  Baden bei Wien, which was the spa town  Breakfast at the hotel and transfer to the
          free time for lunch and in the afternoon  of the aristocratic classes of Vienna in  airport at the appointed time.

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