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          (Frankfurt - Nürnberg - Munich - Zürich - Lucern - Vaduz - Innsbruck - Salzburg - Vienna)

          DAY 1 – FRANKFURT                 Site, its main highlights are the staircase  DAY 5 – NÜRNBERG – REGENSBURG
          Arrival and transfer to the hotel.  with the world’s largest fresco, the  – MUNICH
                                            Imperial church and the Emperor’s Hall.  Breakfast buffet and departure to
          DAY 2 – FRANKFURT                 Follow the road to the next stop,  Regensburg, on the confluence of
          Breakfast buffet and panoramic city  Rothenburg ob der Tauber, the best   Danube River. This situation makes the
          tour through the old town, home of  wellpreserved                    city an important center for trading and
          many sightseeing and landmarks as the  medieval town of Germany.     culture. Free time to discover the city at
          “Römer”, Emperor’s Cathedral, St Paul’s  Stroll through its narrow lanes, taste its  your leisure, do not miss the Cathedral,
          Church and the Museum Embankment  delicious “snowballs” ( short crust pastry  an example of pure German Gothic,
          with its magnificent views over the  traditionally decorated with confectioner’s  founded in 1275 and finished in 1634;
          city skyline. Enjoy a stroll through the  sugar, but also made of chocolate and  the “Stone Bridge”, build in the years
          quarter’s laneways and experience the  nuts or filled with marzipan ) and be  1135 – 1146, it is a highlight of medieval
          past and the present of the New Frankfurt  enchanted by its Christmas decoration.  bridge construction; and the remains of
          Old Town.                         Arrival in Nürnberg and accommodation.  the Roman fortress’s walls including the
          Afternoon free at leisure.                                           Porta Praetoria.
                                            DAY 4 – NÜRNBERG                   Early afternoon follow the tour to Munich,
          DAY 3 – FRANKFURT – WÜRZBURG      Breakfast buffet and visit of Nürnberg.  capital city of Bavaria, southern region of
          – ROTHENBURG OB DER TAUBER –      The city was an early center of    Germany. Accommodation.
          NÜRNBERG                          humanism, printing, science and
          Breakfast buffet and departure to the  mechanical invention. Admire the  DAY 6 – MUNICH
          center of Germany following the famous  beautiful medieval walled city and learn  Breakfast buffet and city tour in Munich to
          „Romantic Road“. Discover Wurzburg,  how it was the center of the German  show you the main sightseeing from the
          with its wide range of buildings in  Renaissance and why it was known as  old town as the City Hall on Marienplatz,
          all kind of styles as Romanesque  the treasure chest of the Holy Roman  Viktualien Market, Frauenkirche, among
          ( Cathedral ), Gothic ( Maria Chapel ),  Empire.                     others. Enjoy a relaxing visit to the
          Renaissance ( New Church ), Baroque  See Nürnberg Castle and its beautiful  gardens of the Nymphenburg Palace,
          ( Sift Haug Church ) and modern ( St  fountain while listening to information  following to Olympia Park or the BMW
          Andreas ). Wurzburg Residence was  about the second largest city of Bavaria.  World.
          included in the UNESCO World Heritage  Afternoon free at leisure.    Afternoon free at leisure.

                     Frankfurt                                                 DAY 7 – MUNICH – PALACE OF
                                                                               NEUSCHWANSTEIN – ZÜRICH
                                   Würzburg                                    Breakfast buffet. Departure to the north
                                                                               to visit the most famous palace of the
                     Rothenburg ob                                             “Mad King” Ludwig II of Bavaria who
                     der Tauber         Nürnberg                               made construct a “fairy-tale castle” in the
                                                                               middle of the mountains to withdraw from
                                                                               public life. Ludwig II was inspired by the
                          GERMANY           Regensburg                         medieval legends to decorate the castle,
                                                                               with representations of knights and kings,
                                   Munich                                      poets and lovers, love and guilt, among
                                             Salzkammergut                     other leitmotifs.
                             Neuschwanstein                 Vienna             Continue to Zürich, in Switzerland.
                    Zurich   Castle           Salzburg
                                     Wattens  Kitzbühel                        Arrival and accommodation.
                          Vaduz  Innsbruck                                     DAY 8 – ZÜRICH
                 Lucerne                                                       Breakfast buffet and city tour of Zürich.
               SWITZERLAND                       AUSTRIA                       Largest city in Switzerland, it is an
                                                                               important hub of railway and air traffic,

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