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steps of the old Austrian-Hungarian  top of the Tampa Mountain, from where  Cotroceni Palace, National Museum, and
          Empire, which can be seen in the old  you will enjoy the view over the city.  Romanian Athenaeum, Opera House,
          town, divided into 4 parts: Cetate,  Down again, have a walking tour in the  Arcul de Triumf- Then we walk through
          Iosefin, Elisabetin and Fabric. Discover  old town to see the Black Church, gothic  the open-air Village Museum. Later we
          its Orthodox Cathedral as well as their 3  style from 15th century; the old city   visit Stavreolpolous Church.
          synagogues or the St George’s     watch towers “Black” and “White”;
          Cathedral; the Maria Theresia Bastion,   Catherine’s gate, the only original city   DAY 13 – BUCHAREST
          the Hunyadi Castle and the National   gate remaining from medieval times; or   Free day at leisure to discover the
          Opera, among other sightseeing.   the Rope street, the narrowest street in   amazing capital of Rumania.
          Continue of the tour to Sibiu, probably   the country, among other sightseeing.
          the most beautiful city of the country.   Afternoon free at leisure.  DAY 14 – BUCHAREST – ZAGREB
          Arrival                                                              After breakfast, and at the scheduled
          and accommodation.                DAY 11 – BRASOV                    time, transfer to Bucharest International
                                            Breakfast at the hotel and excursion to  Airport. Boarding on the flight to Zagreb,
          DAY 9 – SIBIU – BRASOV            visit the Bran Castle, which most famous  capital city of Croatia.
          Breakfast buffet and walking tour through  resident, the Prince Vlad Tepes, inspired  Arrival in Zagreb and transfer to the hotel.
          the old town of Sibiu.            Bram Stoker to write the novel “Dracula”.
          Divided into 2 parts, the Upper town   First built as a wooden fortress in 1212   DAY 15 – ZAGREB
          used to be the wealthier and commercial   by the Teutonic Order, was rebuilt   After breakfast, discover capital city of
          site while the Lower town was the   between 14th and 15th centuries in   Croatia. It grew up from 2 twin cities,
          working area due to its manufactures.  stone use it as a military strategic point in   Gradec and Kaptol.
          The Upper town spreads around 3   the area.                          In the part of Gradec you will be able to
          squares which are interconnected: Grand  Beginning 20th century, the castle  see part of the city walls constructed to
          Square, city center from 15th century,  became royal residence within the  protect the city from the tartar attacks
          hosts the Brukenthal Palace, one of the  Kingdom of Romania, becoming the  around 13th century as well as some of
          most important baroque buildings of  favorite home of Queen Marie, whom it is  the most beautiful churches and gothic
          the country; the Jesuit church and the  mostly dedicated today.      and baroque palaces. In Kaptol visit the
          Council’s Tower, Sibiu’s landmark. Lesser  Return to Brasov and rest of the day free  Cathedral of St Mary’s Assumption and
          Square, a labyrinth of small and narrow  at leisure.                 the gothic church of St Mark.
          streets, nowadays full of small shops,                               Afternoon free at leisure.
          pubs and restaurants. Liar’s Bridge, The  DAY 12 – BRASOV – CASTLE OF
          House of Arts or the Luxembourg House  PELES – BUCHAREST             DAY 16 – ZAGREB
          are their main attractions.       Departure to Castle of Peles, close to the  Breakfast and transfer to the airport to
          Huet Square, where the earliest   town of Sinaia. Built in the 19th century  board the flight back home.
          fortifications of the city were built late  by the King Carol I of Romania as a royal
          12th century – early 13th century.  hunting preserve and summer retreat. Its
          Mostly of its constructions are Gothic.  style refers to an alpine castle combining
          After the tour departure to Brasov.  different European styles, mostly Italian
          Arrival and accommodation.        and German renaissance lines.
                                            Continue the tour to Bucharest, capital
          DAY 10 – BRASOV                   city of Romania. Arrival in the hotel and
          Breakfast buffet and city tour in Brasov  check in.
          to discover the historical capital of the  Afterwards, city tour which includes
          Transylvanian region.             Palace of Parliament- the second largest
          Start the tour taking the cable car to the  administrative building in the world,

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