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          (Innsbruck - Zell am See - Salzburg - Vienna - Dubai)

          DAY 1 INNSBRUCK                   and where we will have free time to   Mountain, the roof of Salzburg. We will
          Arrival in Innsbruck and transfer to the   stroll through its medieval old town. We   climb to the viewpoint located at over
          hotel. In the evening we welcome you   continue to Schwaz, where architectural   3,000m, we will learn about the creation
          with dinner in a typical brewery.   wonders await us as the central nave   of glacial ice, watch an informative video
                                            of the parish church of the Ascension   about the fauna and flora of the area and
          DAY 2 INNSBRUCK                   of St. Mary, from the 15th century and   enjoy the Ice Arena (Ice Arena only open
          - LAKE ACHENSEE - TYROLAN         the largest in the Tyrolean region. We   in July and August).
          VILLAGES - INNSBRUCK              continue to Hall in Tirol, whose medieval   Transfer to Zell am See, one of the main
          In the morning we leave for the town   historic center is the best preserved in the   ski centers and mountain activities in
          of Jenbach, where we will visit the   region. Highlights include the Town Hall   Austria. Overnight stay.
          Tratzberg Castle, a curious jewel of the   and the church of St. Nikolaus, Gothic
          Renaissance in the Alps, which is not   style.  Return to Innsbruck and overnight.   DAY 4 ZELL AM SEE - WERFEN
          very usual in this part of Austria. Then we                          - SALZBURG
          will take the steam rack railway, one of   DAY 3 INNSBRUCK - KITZSTEINHORN   After breakfast we will take a walk
          the oldest still in operation in the country,   - ZELL AM SEE        through the center to see its main
          to go up to Lake Achensee (May to   In the morning, we will take a guided walk   treasures, such as the 12th century
          October), the highest alpine lake in the   through the historic center. The Middle   Kastnerturm Tower, the parish church
          Tyrol. A boat ride around the lake will   Ages merge into the 21st century through   and the 14th century Rosenberg Castle,
          allow us to admire the spectacular views   charming alleys, the Maria-Theresia   which today houses the town hall and an
          of the mountains.                 promenade crowned by its Triumphal   art gallery.
          We continue the tour through the   Arch and the Golden Roof, the Imperial   We will continue our tour to Salzburg,
          Tyrolean villages where we can discover   Church and Palace. We will continue our   not without first admiring one of the most
          real treasures. Our first stop will be   tour to the Bergisel, the Olympic diving   spectacular natural creations, the Werfen
          Rattenberg, known as the “city of glass”   platform where the best views of the city   Ice Cave (May to October), on our way
          for the presence of several workshops   and the surrounding mountains await us.  to Zell am See. After a cable car ride we
          that work the glass in a handmade way   We will then drive to the Kitzsteinhorn   will take a walking tour inside the cave,
                                                                               crossing about 134meters of altitude
                                                                               while admiring the beauty of the ice
                                                                               sculptures and the impressive dimensions
                                      Danube Valley                            of the cave.
                       Lakes & Mountain                                        Arrival in Salzburg and overnight.
                       Salzburg                   Vienna
              Lake Achensee           AUSTRIA                                  DAY 5 SALZBURG - LAKES and
          Innsbruck         Zell am See                                        MOUNTAINS
                 Tyrolan   Kitzsteinhorn                                       Breakfast buffet at the hotel and
                 Villages                                                      departure to discover the birthplace of
                                                                               Mozart, passing by the Mirabell Palace,
                                                                               the Mozarteum (University of Music), the
                                                                        Dubai  Marionette Theater, Mozart’s residence,
                                                                               the Church of the Holy Trinity, Hellbrunn
                                                                               Palace, Nonnberg Abbey, the Music
                                                                               Festival Theaters, Getreidegasse and
                                                                  UAE          Mozart Square.
                                                                               Then departure to the region known

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