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          (Erevan – Sevan – Tiflis)

          DAY 1  EREVAN                     On the way back to Yerevan we will visit   during the 13th century. Return to
          Arrival at the Int. Airport of Erevan and   the ruins of the temple of Zvartnots from   Yerevan.
          transfer to the hotel.            the 7th century. Overnight stay.
                                                                               DAY 4  EREVAN - GUEGHARD - GARNI
          DAY 2  EREVAN – ECHMIADZIN        DAY 3  EREVAN - KHOR VIRAP         - SEVAN
          – ZVARTNOC – EREVAN               - NORAVANK - EREVAN                Breakfast at the hotel. Departure to
          Breakfast and panoramic tour of Yerevan,   After breakfast, start of the excursion to   Sevan, a high mountain lake at 2000m
          whose main tourist attractions are the   the Khor Virap Monastery, considered   above sea level. On the way we visit
          Republic Square, Mashtots Avenue,   the cradle of civilization and located near   Gueghard and Garni, with photo stop
          the Opera House, Swam Lake and    the biblical Mount Ararat and the Turkish   at the Yeghishé Charents Arch, from
          the Cascade Monument. We visit the   border. According to history, St. Gregory   which you get breathtaking views of
          Tsitsernakaberd Memorial and the   the Illuminator was imprisoned here   Mount Ararat, located in Turkey. Arrival
          Museum of the victims of the Armenian   for 13 years for preaching Christianity   in Gueghard and visit of the monastery
          Genocide.                         throughout the country.            carved into the rock during the 12th –
          Then departure to the Echmiadzin   We continue the tour to Vayots Dzor   13th centuries. Continuation to Garni,
          Cathedral (UNESCO World Heritage Site),   where we will visit the Noravank   where you can enjoy a typical lunch
          20 km from the capital and sacred place   Monastery, considered one of the most   accompanied by “Lavash”, Armenian
          of the Christian religion.        beautiful monasteries in Armenia and an   bread baked in a stone oven, and local
                                            important religious and cultural center   cheese.

                                                                               After lunch, visit of a Greco-Roman style
                                                                               temple of the 1stcentury. We continue to
                                                                               Sevan, where we will visit the monastic
                                                                               complex of Sevanavank, of which two
                                                                               medieval churches are preserved.
                            GEORGIA                                            Overnight in Sevan.

                           Gori / Uplistsikhe           Alaverdi               DAY 5  SEVAN - SANAHIN - HAGHPAT
                                          Mtskheta        Gremi                - SADAKHLO - TBILISI
                                                Tiflis                         Today we leave in the direction of
                                                                               Georgia, visiting first the monasteries
                                                                               of Sanahin and Haghpat, in the
                                                                               Tumanian region. Both monasteries, built
                                           Sanahin   Haghpat                   between the 10th and 13th centuries,
                                                                               are outstanding works of medieval
                                            ARMENIA      Sevan                 architecture in the country and included in
                                                                               the UNESCO World Heritage List.
                                          Echmiadzin     Geghard
                                   Vagharshapat     Yerevan                    Transfer to Sadakhlo, the border between
                                          Zvartnoc                             Armenia and Georgia. Arrival at the hotel
                                                 Khor Virap                    in Tbilisi where we will stay until the end
                                                     Noravank                  of the trip and departure point for day
                                                                               trips to the main tourist attractions of the

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