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under the name of “Salzkammergut” (the   its twin Museum of Natural History, the   In the afternoon we will head out into the
          chamber of salt goods, in translation).   Parliament, the City Hall or the Votive   desert for a 4x4 safari.
          Area created under the Habsburg Empire   Church, among others.       During the safari we will be able to see
          to protect the salt mines and their   We will continue with a pleasant walking   the fascinating landscape of dunes, its
          economic benefits, covers the territory of   tour through the center that will take us   flora and fauna. Hopefully we will see
          3 regions - Salzburg, Upper Austria and   to St. Stephen’s Cathedral, the narrow   gazelles and other native animals, such
          Styria - which highlights a spectacular   streets of the Jewish quarter, the house   as the Arabian oryx. Then, on the back
          landscape of lakes and mountains. We   where Mozart lived or the Danube Canal,   of a camel caravan, we will arrive at a
          will visit St Gilgen, birthplace of Mozart’s   an area of street artists.   Bedouin camp, where we can learn about
          mother; we will take a boat trip on the   We will finish the visit with one of the   their traditions and enjoy an authentic
          lake and disembark in St Wolfgang   most Viennese customs: having a coffee   Bedouin dinner.
          (May to October), where we will enjoy a   with a Sacher cake at one of popular   Today we will stay in a glamping resort
          walking tour of this village worthy of fairy   coffee houses.        in the desert. In the morning, you can
          tales. Free time for lunch and continue   Afternoon at leisure and overnight in   choose to relax by the resort’s pool or
          our excursion to Hallstatt, a picturesque   Vienna.                  watch the sunrise on a hot air balloon
          village located between the lake and the                             ride.
          mountains that offers spectacular views   DAY 8 VIENNA – DUBAI
          to visitors.                      Breakfast at the hotel and at the   DAY 11 DUBAI
          It is considered the most beautiful village   appointed time, transfer to the airport to   Breakfast at the resort and at the
          in Austria.                       board the plane to Dubai.          indicated time, transfer to the airport.
          Overnight in the area of the lakes and
          mountains.                        DAY 9 DUBAI                        Package includes:
                                            Morning arrival in Dubai and transfer to   • 10 nights accommodation including
          DAY 6 LAKES AND MOUNTAINS         the hotel. Free time at leisure.   buffet breakfast
          - DANUBE VALLEY - VIENNA          In the afternoon, panoramic tour to   • Porterage service at the hotels
          Today we leave for Melk, where stands   discover the capital of one of the 7   • Transfers upon arrival and departure
          the imposing Abbey, the best and   emirates that make up the United Arab   • English speaking tour director
          greatest example of Austrian Baroque   Emirates. Founded in the second half   • Deluxe coach
          architecture and from which we can   of the 18th century, Dubai was a fishing   • Visits with licensed guides
          admire a unique view over the Danube.   city until it became the international   • Entrances as per the program
          Free time for lunch and then we will take   metropolis of today.     • Flight as per itinerary, tourist class
          a boat trip (May to October) to Dürnstein,   During the guided tour we will see this   including 1 luggage 23 kgs
          a beautiful medieval town crowned by the   contrast between the traditional part,   • A surprise invitation to a concert,
          blue bell tower of the Augustinian church.   with the Jumeirah Mosque of 1979, the   cultural event or excursion
          Free time to stroll around Dürnstein.   palace of Sheikh Sheikh Mohammed and
          We continue to Vienna. Overnight stay.  the Al-Fahidi Fort; and the modern part
                                            in which stands out above all the Burj
          DAY 7 VIENNA                      Khalifa Tower, inaugurated in 2010 as
          In the morning we will go for a   the tallest building in the world with more
          sightseeing tour in Vienna. Driving around   than 800m.
          the Ringstrasse we will see the most
          outstanding buildings of the city, such as   DAY 10 DUBAI - Desert experience.
          the Opera House, the Hofburg or Winter   Morning at leisure to enjoy the beach,
          Palace, the Museum of Fine Arts and   traditional markets or relax in a spa.

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