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           (Vienna - Ljubljana - Zagreb - Rijeka - Zadar - Split - Sarajevo - Dubrovnik)

          DAY 1  VIENNA                     of the Jewish quarter, the house where   Bridges, the University and the Cultural
          Arrival in Vienna and transfer to the hotel.   Mozart lived or the Danube Canal, an   Center.
                                            area of street artists.            Afternoon at leisure and overnight at the
          DAY 2  VIENNA                     We will finish the visit with one of the   hotel.
          Morning sightseeing tour of Vienna. On a   most Viennese customs: enjoying a cup
          tour around the Ringstrasse we will see   of coffee and the famous Sacher cake.   DAY 4 LJUBLJANA - BLED
          the most outstanding buildings of the city,   Afternoon at leisure and overnight in   - POSTOJNA - LJUBLJANA
          such as the Opera House, the Hofburg   Vienna.                       Today we go on excursion to the city of
          Winter Palace, the Museum of Fine Arts                               Bled and Postojna caves. Located north
          and its twin Museum of Natural History,   DAY 3  VIENNA – LJUBLJANA   of Ljubljana, Bled is known for the alpine
          the Parliament, the City Hall or the Votive   We start our trip to Ljubljana, capital   lake and its island in the center, where we
          Church, among others. Afterwards we   of Slovenia. Upon arrival we will enjoy   will visit the Church of the Assumption of
          will continue with a pleasant walking tour   a panoramic tour of the capital, during   the Virgin.
          through the center that will take us to St.   which we will see the old town, the Town   To reach the island we will enjoy a boat
          Stephen’s Cathedral, the narrow streets   Hall, the Robba Fountain, the Three   ride on the “Pletna”, their typical boats.
                                                                               Upon arrival, we will climb the 99 steps
                                                                               to admire the church and its bell, whose
                                                                               legend says that if you make a wish while
                                                                               ringing the bell, it will be fulfilled.
                                                                               Then we will head to visit the Postojna
                                                                               caves, where we will make a tour aboard
                                        Vienna                                 a little train to reach the center of the
                                                                               cave where we can appreciate its ghostly
                                                                               formations of stalactites and stalagmites
                            AUSTRIA                                            that show us a beautiful spectacle.
                                                                               Return to Ljubljana and accommodation.
                                                                               DAY 5 LJUBLJANA - ZAGREB
                                                                               After breakfast we departure to Zagreb,
                               Bled    SLOVENIA                                Croatia. We will have a city tour upon
                                                  Zagreb                       our arrival through the largest city in
                           Postojna  Ljubljana                                 the country and capital of the Republic
                                                     CROATIA                   of Croatia. It grew from 2 twin cities,
                                  Rijeka                                       Gradec (which was fortified against Tatar
                                                                               attacks in the 13th century and some of
                                     Krk       Plitvice                        its medieval walls and porticoes still exist.
                                                     BOSNIA &                  It has several beautiful churches, gothic
                                      Zadar                                    and baroque palaces) and Kaptol (where
                                                           Sarajevo            the capitals of the cathedral, decorated
                                       Sibenik                                 with complicated filigree, and the bishop’s
                                         Trogrir        Mostar                 palace stand out). The pastel-painted
                                               Split     Medjugorje            buildings of Gradec and Kaptol contrast
                                                                               with the gray stone of the radial city
                                                Dubrovnik                      center of Zagreb.
                                                                               Afternoon at leisure.

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