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          (Vienna - Istanbul - Izmir - Dubai)

          DAY 1 VIENNA                      by Gustav Klimt. Then we will go to the   Kokoschka, among other artists of
          Arrival in Vienna and transfer to the hotel.   Secession building, where we will admire   Austrian modernism. Free evening.
          In the evening, we will enjoy a ride on the   another of the key works of Austrian art,
          famous giant Ferris wheel, located in the   “The Beethoven Frieze”, in which Klimt   DAY 3 VIENNA
          Prater amusement park, and a welcome   also put images to the 9th Symphony of   In the morning we will visit the Ephesos
          dinner in one of the typical wine taverns   the composer Ludwig von Beethoven.   Museum, established at the end of the
          in the districts of Neusitft am Walde,   On the way we will see other modernist   19th century to house the archaeological
          Nußdorf or Grinzing. Return to the hotel   works such as the Pavilion and the Otto   remains found in the city of Ephesos
          and overnight.                    Wagner Houses, as well as the most   in present-day Turkey. Among its
                                            outstanding buildings of the city, such as   treasures are “The Amazons of the
          DAY 2 VIENNA                      the Opera House, the Hofburg or Winter   Altar of Artemis”, the “Monument to the
          Always associated with the imperial   Palace, the Museum of Fine Arts and   Partisans” and the bronze statue of an
          palaces and Sisi, Vienna is also the   its twin Museum of Natural History, the   athlete. This visit will connect us with the
          birthplace of the “Secession”, one of the   Parliament, the Town Hall or the Votive   second part of the trip in Turkey.
          most important artistic movements of   Church, among others.         Afternoon at leisure to finish enjoying
          the turn of the 19th – 20th  centuries,   We will end the visit tasting one of the   Vienna.
          which laid the foundations of Austrian   most Viennese customs: a cup of coffee
          modernism. Among its members are   accompanied by the famous Sacher   DAY 4 VIENNA - ISTANBUL
          Gustav Klimt, Egon Schiele and Oskar   cake.                         Breakfast at the hotel and at the
          Kokoschka. On our city tour we will visit   In the afternoon we will enjoy a private   appointed time, transfer to the airport to
          the Belvedere Palace, now the National   visit to the Leopold Museum, the jewel   board the flight to Istanbul. Arrival and
          Art Gallery. Among its treasures you   of the renovated museum district, which   transfer to the hotel.
          can see the masterpiece of Viennese   houses the largest private collection
          Art Nouveau, the painting “The Kiss”   of works by Egon Shiele and Oskar   DAY 5 ISTANBUL
                                                                               Full day tour of the city that acts as a
                                                                               bridge between East and West.
                                                                               Among its jewels we will visit the Hagia
                                                                               Sophia Cathedral, a masterpiece of
                                                                               Byzantine art and converted into a
                                                                               mosque again in August 2020; the Sultan
                                                                               Ahmed Mosque, noted for its 6 minarets
                    AUSTRIA                                                    and better known as the “blue mosque”
                                                                               for the decoration in blue, white and
                                   Istanbul                                    green tiles; the Topkapi and Dolmabahçe
                                                                               Palaces; the subway cistern; the Galatea
                                                                               Bridge and Taksim Square. Stop for lunch
                                             TURKEY                            (included) during the visit.
                            Izmir                                              Free evening.
                                                             Abu dhabi         DAY 6 ISTANBUL
                                                                               Free day to enjoy Istanbul in its splendor.
                                                                               We recommend visiting the Grand Bazaar
                                                                 UAE           and the Spice Bazaar, or embark on a
                                                                               boat trip on the Bosphorus.

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