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DAY 7 ISTANBUL - PERGAMON         DAY 9 IZMIR - DUBAI                has experienced rapid growth since the
          - IZMIR                           Breakfast at the hotel and at the   1980s, resulting in imposing modern
          After breakfast departure to Pergamon,   appointed time, transfer to the airport to   architecture, with skyscrapers such as
          the main cultural center of the Hellenic   board the flight to Dubai, with a stopover   the Capital Plaza or the Scheich-Zayid
          period.                           in Istanbul. Arrival in Dubai and overnight.   Mosque, contrasting with traditional
          We will visit the archaeological park where                          buildings such as the Qasr al-Husn fort
          the famous Pergamon Altar, which can be   DAY 10 DUBAI               and palatial residences.
          visited in Berlin, was found. It highlights   Departure to discover the capital of   Upon arrival we will take a guided tour to
          the acropolis, with ruins of what were the   one of the 7 emirates that make up the   see the skyline on the coast and its main
          library, the theater, several palaces and   United Arab Emirates. Founded in the   attractions.
          the place where the Altar of Zeus was   second half of the 18th century, Dubai   We will also visit the Louvre Abu Dhabi
          erected. Leaving Pergamon we will also   was a fishing town until it became the   Museum, opened in 2017 as a franchise
          see the ruins of the Asclepion, a building   international metropolis it is today.   of the famous Parisian museum. With
          dedicated to the god of medicine and   During the guided tour we will see this   this facility, the city positions itself as the
          that would become a renowned medical   contrast between the traditional part,   cultural destination of the Emirates. Its
          school.                           with the Jumeirah Mosque of 1979, the   collection spans art from Antiquity to the
          Continuation to Izmir.            palace of Sheikh Sheikh Mohammed   21st century, with works by Picasso,
          Arrival and accommodation.        and the Al-Fahidi fort; and the modern   Magritte and Gauguin among them,
                                            part in which stands out above all the   on loan from major Parisian museums
          DAY 8 EXCURSION TO EPHESUS        Burj Khalifa Tower, inaugurated in 2010   (Louvre, Orsay and George Pompidou).
          Today we will go on an excursion to   as the tallest building in the world with   Free time for lunch and individual
          Ephesus, one of the main cities of   more than 800m. The architecture is the   walks. In the afternoon, return to Dubai.
          Ancient Greece and home to one of the 7   most visible art of Dubai; to the examples   Overnight in Dubai.
          wonders of the ancient world, the Temple   already mentioned we can add the Palm
          of Artemis.                       Jumeirah Island, an artificial archipelago   DAY 12 DUBAI
          Occupied over the centuries by the   created in front of the coast where there   Breakfast at the hotel and at the
          Hellenic, Roman and Byzantine cultures,   are private residences and some of the   appointed time, transfer to the Airport.
          it has reached our days with a cultural   most luxurious and well-known hotels;
          treasure difficult to surpass.    the Opera House; the Dubai Creek,   Package includes:
          We will visit the ruins of these civilizations,   where the spice market is located, and   • 11 nights accommodation including
          including the Library of Celsus, the   the Madinat Theater.          buffet breakfast
          Great Theater, the Odeon, the agora,   Afternoon at leisure to tour some of the   • Porterage service at the hotels
          the Roman basilica, several baths and   famous shopping malls, relax on the   • Transfers upon arrival and departure
          public latrines, temples dedicated to   beaches and admire the spectacle of   • English speaking tour director
          Domitian, Hadrian and Serapis, the Trajan   light and color in the Palm Fountains, the   • Deluxe coach
          fountain and the pritaneum, seat of the   largest in the world, with 1,335m², jets up   • Visits with licensed guides
          magistrates.                      to 105m high and illuminated by 3,000   • Entrances as per the program
          On the outskirts of Ephesus we will also   LED bulbs.                • Flights as per itinerary, tourist class
          visit the Basilica of St. John, where St.                            including luggage 23kgs
          John supposedly wrote his gospel; and   DAY 11 DUBAI - Excursion to Abu   • A surprise invitation to a concert,
          the House of the Virgin Mary, where   Dhabi                          cultural event or excursion
          according to tradition she arrived after the   Today we will go on an excursion to
          crucifixion and lived until her ascension.   Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United
          Return to Izmir and overnight.    Arab Emirates. Like Dubai, Abu Dhabi

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