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DAY 6 ZAGREB - KRK - RIJEKA       the religious diversity that has coexisted   military of the Spanish forces under NATO
          After breakfast, we will depart to the   here for centuries (Catholics, Orthodox,   mandate.
          Croatian coast, where we will have the   Jews and Muslims all have their place   Arrival in Dubrovnik and overnight.
          opportunity to discover one of the most   in the city), Sarajevo has attracted
          spectacular natural parks in the country,   international attention several times   DAY 12 DUBROVNIK
          the Krk National Park, which stretches   in its history. From being the scene of   After breakfast we will take a panoramic
          along the Krka River, forming up to 7   the assassination of Archduke Franz   walking tour of the old city, protected by
          natural waterfalls and one of the best   Ferdinand of Austria, which led to the   the 16th century Revelin fortress located
          preserved natural ecosystems in Europe.   outbreak of World War I, to hosting the   to the east, which is only for pedestrians.
          In the afternoon arrival to the town of   Winter Olympics in 1984, to being today   Its double walls of 20 towers and
          Rijeka, in the bay of Carnaro and one of   a city recovered and adapted to the post-  bastions surround the baroque cathedral
          the main ports of the Austro-Hungarian   war reality of the 1990s.   and exquisite churches, monasteries,
          Empire until 1918. Rest of the day at   Arrival and accommodation.   palaces, fountains and houses with red or
          leisure and overnight.                                               yellow roofs.
                                            DAY 10 SARAJEVO                    Dubrovnik acquired fabulous wealth from
          DAY 7 RIJEKA - PLITVICE - ZADAR   Today we will visit the amazing capital of   trade during the Middle Ages and was
          We head inland to visit the Plitvice   Bosnia and Herzegovina.       famous for its art from the 15th to 17th
          National Park, one of the most beautiful   Renovated after the Balkan War, the   century.
          natural creations in the world, which has   historic center once again offers the   The old city of Dubrovnik has, among
          been declared a UNESCO World Heritage   oriental-Ottoman charm of yesteryear.   its many attractions, the following
          Site. We will be able to admire the quiet   During the panoramic tour we will see   monuments that we will visit: the Onofrio
          beauty of lakes and waterfalls that will   the Bascarsija Bazaar, the Ali Pascha and   Fountain, the Franciscan and Dominican
          show us an unforgettable spectacle.  In   Gazi-Husrev-Beg mosques, the National   Monasteries, the Sponza and Rector’s
          the afternoon departure to Zadar. Arrival   Theater, the Academy of Arts, the   Palaces, and the Cathedral.
          and accommodation.                Roman-Catholic Cathedral, among other   Free afternoon and overnight.
          DAY 8 ZADAR - SIBENIK - TROGIR    During the tour we invite you to visit the   DAY 13 DUBROVNIK
          - SPLIT                           Tunnel of Life, built during the Balkan   Breakfast and at the agreed time, transfer
          Breakfast buffet and departure to Sibenik   War and which served to save thousands   to the airport.
          to visit the Cathedral of St. James, and   of lives. Afternoon free at Leisure and
          Trogir, the best preserved Romanesque-  accommodation.               Package includes:
          Gothic complex in the Adriatic area and                              • 12 nights accommodation including
          Central Europe. The medieval center   DAY 11 SARAJEVO – MEDJUGORJE   buffet breakfast
          includes the walls of the time, the castle   – MOSTAR – DUBROVNIK    • Porterage service at the hotels
          with watchtower and several palaces of   We return to Croatia visiting on the way   • Transfers upon arrival and departure
          Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance and   the town of Medjugorje, an important   • English speaking tour director
          Baroque styles.                   Marian center of pilgrimages since   • Deluxe coach
          Continuation of the trip to Split. Arrival   1981 when the image of the Virgin Mary   • Visits with licensed guides
          and panoramic tour of the city, which will   appeared on its hill with her message   • Entrances as per the program
          be done on foot through the old center,   of peace to those present there; and   • A surprise invitation to a concert,
          which stands out for its charm and the   Mostar, a city that during the Ottoman   cultural event or excursion
          famous Diocletian’s Palace.       Empire was a commercial center and
                                            that today we can discover visible traces
          DAY 9 SPLIT - SARAJEVO            of this empire visiting the old bazaar, the
          We continue our tour to Sarajevo, capital   mosque and its famous stone bridge,
          of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Known for   rebuilt with the collaboration of the

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