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          (Berlin - Copenhagen - Goteborg - Oslo - Stockholm)

          DAY 1  BERLIN                     to be a city after the fall of the wall in   DAY 5  COPENHAGEN - NORTHERN
          Arrival at the Airport of Berlin and transfer   November 1989. During the tour we will   CASTLES - GÖTEBORG
          to the hotel. Accommodation       see the Parliament, the Museum Island,   Departure to the north of the country
                                            St. Hedwig’s Cathedral, the Nicholas   to visit the main castles of the Danish
          DAY 2  BERLIN                     district, the Holocaust Memorial and the   royalty:
          Buffet breakfast and departure to visit   Potsdam Square.            Frederiksborg Castle, from the 17th
          the capital of Germany. Divided by the   We will cross to the west to discover   century and considered the largest
          “iron curtain” during the second part of   the Kurfürstendamm Avenue with its   Renaissance style building in Denmark,
          the 20th century, it had to learn again   elegant and aristocratic buildings, the   and Kronborg Castle in Helsingor,
                                            Emperor Wilhelm Memorial Church and   known worldwide for being the setting
                                            the KaDeWe building, the first shopping   of the great play “Hamlet” by William
                                            mall in Europe opened in the early 20th   Shakespeare.
                                            century.                           In Helsingor we will take the ferry to
                                            Afternoon at leisure and overnight.   the Swedish town of Helsingborg and
                                                                               from there we will continue our trip to
                                            DAY 3  BERLIN - ROSTOCK - GEDSER   Göteborg. Lodging.
                                            - COPENHAGEN
                                            Breakfast and departure to northern   DAY 6  GÖTEBORG – FJÄLLBACKA
                                 SWEDEN     Germany, where we will take the ferry in   – OSLO
                                            the city of Rostock to cross the North   Breakfast and brief panoramic tour of
                                            Sea to Gedser in Denmark. Free time   Sweden’s second largest city. City life is
                 NORWAY                     in Rostock to discover its interesting   centered on Kungsportavenyn Avenue,
                                            historical center, heritage of the hanseatic   which links the old city walls moat to
                                            trade. Disembarkation in Gedser and   Götaplatsen Square, where the Museum
                                            continuation by coach to Copenhagen.   of Fine Arts, the Concert Hall and the
                    Oslo  Karlstad          Overnight in Copenhagen.           Municipal Theater are located.
                                                                               Later, departure to Norway. Stop on the
                Fjällbacka                  DAY 4  COPENHAGEN                  way in Fjällbacka, a small fishing village
                           Göteborg         Panoramic tour of the capital of   of typical Swedish houses popularized by
                                            Denmark. On a walking tour we will   the literary saga starring the writer Ericka
               DENMARK                      discover the seafront district of Nyhavn   Falck and the commissioner Patrick
                           Copenhagen       with its typical 17th century buildings;   Hedström, characters created by the
                                            Amagertorv, the central square from   writer Camilla Läckberg.
                          Gedser            the Middle Ages as well as the maze of   Arrival in Oslo and accommodation.
                  Rostock                   narrow cobblestone streets around it;
                                            the Royal Palace and the Royal National   DAY 7  OSLO
                      Berlin                Theater. On a coach tour we will be   Breakfast and guided tour of the city,
                                            thrilled by the story of the Little Mermaid,   during which we will see the City Hall,
               GERMANY                      see the Tivoli Gardens, the Library   the Royal Palace, the Parliament and
                                            - nicknamed “The Black Diamond” -   Vigeland Park.
                                            and the Opera House, among other   Afternoon free for personal activities.
                                            monuments.                         Optionally you can visit the Maritime
                                            Free afternoon for personal activities.   Museums located on the island of
                                            Overnight.                         Bygdöy, among which is preserved the

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