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           (Dubrovnik - Budva - Tirana - Ohrid - Skopje - Thessaloniki - Alexandropoulis - Istanbul)

          DAY 1  DUBROVNIK                  Dubrovnik acquired fabulous wealth from   where you will take a boat to reach the
          Arrival in Dubrovnik and transfer to the   trade during the middle Ages and was   small island “Gospa od Skrpjela” to
          hotel. Accommodation.             famous for its art from the 15th – 17th   visit its church. Continuation to Kotor,
                                            century. The old city of Dubrovnik has,   where you will have free time to visit the
          DAY 2  DUBROVNIK                  among its many attractions, the following   historical center, and Budva, a beautiful
          Breakfast. In the morning we will take a   monuments that we will visit: the Onofrio   medieval town. Overnight in Budva.
          panoramic walking tour of the old city,   Fountain, the Franciscan and Dominican
          protected by the 16th century Revelin   Monasteries, the Sponza and Rector’s   DAY 4  BUDVA - SHKODER - KRUJA
          fortress located to the east, which   Palaces, and the Cathedral.    - TIRANA
          is pedestrian-only. Its double walls   Free afternoon and overnight.   Breakfast and departure to Albania, the
          of 20 towers and bastions surround                                   unknown Europe. Our first stop will be
          the baroque cathedral and exquisite   DAY 3  DUBROVNIK - KOTOR - BUDVA   Shkoder, an ancient city rich in history
          churches, monasteries, palaces,   Departure to the bay of Kotor, in   whose wooden buildings are decorated
          fountains and houses with red or yellow   Montenegro, a fjord of great natural   with traditional motifs.
          roofs.                            beauty. Arrival in Perast, a fishing village   We continue to Kruja, where a walking
                                                                               tour will take us through a cobblestone
                                                                               path to the Ottoman Bazaar, with stores
                                                                               selling wooden items and antiques.
                                                                               Arrival in Tirana and overnight.

                  CROATIA                                                      DAY 5  TIRANA – OHRID
                                                                               In the morning we will go to a panoramic
                                                                               visit of the Albanian capital to see,
                                                                               among others, Skenderbey Square,
                                                                               the Ethem Bey Mosque (only on the
                                                                               outside, currently closed for works) and
                                                                               the National Museum which houses
                           MONTENEGRO                                          archaeological pieces that tell the history
                Dubrovnik                                                      of this country.
                         Kotor           MORTH                                 In the afternoon, departure to Ohrid.
                         Budva         MACEDONIA                               On arrival we will enjoy the spa town,
                           Shkoder  Skopje                      TURKEY         included in the list of Cultural Heritage
                              Kruja                Philipi                     of UNESCO and visit the Church of St.
                             Tirana     Mavrovo                       Istanbul  Sophia from 11th century, the most
                                       Ohrid           Kavala  Alexandropolis  impressive monument of Macedonia.
                                ALBANIA          Thessaloniki                  Rest of the day at leisure and overnight.

                                        GREECE                                 DAY 6  OHRID - MAVROVO - SKOPJE
                                                                               Continuation of the tour to Macedonia,
                                                                               with a stop in the National Park of
                                                                               Mavrovo, where we will visit the
                                                                               Monastery of St. Jovan Bigorski.
                                                                               Continuation to Skopje, arrival and

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