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          (Zürich – Lugano – Zermatt - Geneve - Bern - Interlaken – Lucern - Munich)

          DAY 1  ZÜRICH                     where we will travel back in time to   DAY 4  LUGANO - ZERMATT
          Arrival at Zurich airport and transfer to the   the middle Ages with the visit of the 3   After breakfast, we will depart to Zermatt,
          hotel. Overnight stay.            fortresses of Bellinzona: Castelgrande,   heart of the Swiss Alps. We arrive at the
                                            Montebello and Sasso Corbaro, built in   village of Täsch, where we will leave the
          DAY 2  ZÜRICH - SCHAFFHAUSEN      medieval times to protect the area from   coach to board the train that will take us
          - ZÜRICH                          attacks from the southern countries and   up to Zermatt, as it is the only car-free
          Breakfast at the hotel and we leave to   especially from Milano. Included in the   village in Switzerland (it is recommended
          enjoy a panoramic tour of the city with   UNESCO World Heritage List, they are   to carry only hand luggage for this night).
          a walking tour of the historic center   the most important example of medieval   Arrival in Zermatt and walk to the hotel.
          admiring the Grossmünster Cathedral,   construction in the Alpine area.   Rest of the day free to enjoy the views,
          the Le Corbusier Center, the Lindenhof   We continue to Lugano, the largest   hiking, etc. Overnight.
          and the Carolingian Imperial Palace.   Italian-speaking town in Switzerland and
          Then we go to Schaffhausen to see the   located on the shores of Lake Lugano.   DAY 5  ZERMATT - GENEVA
          magnificent waterfalls of the Rhine River.   On a guided walking tour through the   Breakfast and return by train to Täsch,
          Return to the city and free afternoon.   historic center we will discover its jewels,   where the coach will pick us up to
          Overnight stay.                   such as the Cantonale and Salita dei Frati   continue the journey to Geneva.
                                            libraries, the Swiss National Archives, the   Surrounding the Leman Lake we will
          DAY 3 ZÜRICH - BELLINZONA         cathedral of San Lorenzo and the church   visit the towns of Montreux, Thonon-les-
          - LUGANO                          of San Rocco. Rest of the day at leisure   Bains and Yvoire until arriving to Geneva.
          Today we start our tour to Bellinzona   and overnight.               Lodging.

                                                                               DAY 6  GENEVA – LAUSANNE
                                                                               – BERNE
                                                                               Visit of the city on the shores of Lake
                                                 GERMANY              Munich   Geneva and diplomatic center of
                                                                               Europe due to the UN and many other
                                                                               international organizations present in
                                                 Island of Mainau              the city. In a guided walking tour of
                                                                               the historic center we will discover the
                                                                               Cathedral of St. Peter and the Chapel of
                                     Zürich     Bregenz                        the Maccabees, the Library, the Calvin
                                                                               College, the University and the Palais
                              Lucerne                                          Wilson, among others.
                     Berne                                                     Then departure to Lausanne, Olympic
              Lausanne                                                         capital, before arriving in Berne, capital of
                           Interlaken                                          the country. Overnight stay.
                                                                               DAY 7  BERNE
                                                                               Breakfast at the hotel and departure to
                                                                               visit its historic center, included in the
                                              Bellinzona                       UNESCO World Heritage List, composed
                        Zermatt                                                of small streets where we will see the
                                                                               symbol of the city, the “Zytlogge” (the bell
                                                                               of time), the “Bärengraben”, the house

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